Injectors may be needed....


With only 185k (plus many idle hours) on my rig, I hate to think that I need to do them, but until my oil hits 180, it chugs
and the injectors seem to load up and unload. Meaning that as I accelerate, they will clatter a little,
then none at all and no power, and then pretty loud for a bit, then runs fine with plenty of power.
This is more prevalent now that I am in some colder temps here in Dallas. I will probably change the
ICP sensor this week, before I head back home to Tampa.

My ICP is about 480 at idle once warmed up.

This is a good read:


Expedition Leader
Have you changed the oil in the High pressure oil Reservoir?
It may be too late, but I've read it doesn't get flushed out as well as it should and gets pretty tarry over time.

Mine has similar miles, but way more hrs... 16k+ hrs, do I'll be following along as I'm new to diesels.


What are you running for oil?

And when was it last changed?

These 7.3's are pretty picky....

If you are not already, switch to 5W40 synthetic Rotella.
Ive seen it save some injectors. At minimum, it may postpone the inevitable a bit...

All of this is assuming your under valve cover harnesses and glow plugs/relay are 100%


le bummer if so, I spent $4692.xx in summer 2015 to have my injectors replaced along with glow plugs, under valve cover harnesses, and a couple smaller bits.
On the plus side, I haven't plugged in the block heater once since that repair. Warm ups are much less a chore/worry now.

+1 on synthetic Rotella

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2200 miles since last change. I did do the reservoir at that time. Rotella 15/40 and Motorcraft filter.

When running the synthetic, what are the change intervals? It sure is pricey!!

What are you running for oil?

And when was it last changed?

These 7.3's are pretty picky....

If you are not already, switch to 5W40 synthetic Rotella.
Ive seen it save some injectors. At minimum, it may postpone the inevitable a bit...

All of this is assuming your under valve cover harnesses and glow plugs/relay are 100%
Last edited:


What were your symptoms?

le bummer if so, I spent $4692.xx in summer 2015 to have my injectors replaced along with glow plugs, under valve cover harnesses, and a couple smaller bits.
On the plus side, I haven't plugged in the block heater once since that repair. Warm ups are much less a chore/worry now.

+1 on synthetic Rotella

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New member
I have been digging into my 7.3 lately as well, hope this helps.
Warm idle pressure should be around 550-650

Injector control pressure (ICP) sensor. Causes the engine to run, but cut in and out and really roughly throttle. Check for oil in the ICP connector, if present, ICP is bad or on the way out. You can verify better running by unplugging the ICP sensor, temporarily, to see if the issue goes away. Cost $65-$167. Part number F6TZ-9F838-A. If oil has permeated the wires, It is recommend to replace the ICP sensor pigtail as well.

These are Ford specs.


Inj. Control Press. (ICP / HPOP)

KO=0 LI=625.5 HI=1400-1450 OR=0-4045 psi

ICP Voltage (Volts)

KO=0.2 LI=1.0 HI=1.8 OR= .15 - 4.7 Volts

IPR Duty Cycle

KO=14.84 LI=24 HI=40.60 OR=0-50 %
le bummer if so, I spent $4692.xx in summer 2015 to have my injectors replaced along with glow plugs, under valve cover harnesses, and a couple smaller bits.
On the plus side, I haven't plugged in the block heater once since that repair. Warm ups are much less a chore/worry now.

+1 on synthetic Rotella

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

makes me pretty stoked to have my gas motor!!

whole engine rebuild and all new parts surrounding it i think i was less than $3500, sans labor of course.


What were your symptoms?
Long warm ups in temps under 55f, some clacking.
The nut on the back of my IPR vibrated its way off, and while the magnet was still on the shaft, it was making the pressure readings go cray. It ruined injector 8 from the fluctuations I think.
So, when I put a new IPR in, it wouldn't start even. I gave up looking at it more, and towed it to a shop to deal with. Great since then.

Also, when I did the IPR, I did my own fuel bowl delete and regulated return. Cackle was greatly reduced.


I have been digging into my 7.3 lately as well, hope this helps.
Warm idle pressure should be around 550-650

Injector control pressure (ICP) sensor. Causes the engine to run, but cut in and out and really roughly throttle. Check for oil in the ICP connector, if present, ICP is bad or on the way out. You can verify better running by unplugging the ICP sensor, temporarily, to see if the issue goes away. Cost $65-$167. Part number F6TZ-9F838-A. If oil has permeated the wires, It is recommend to replace the ICP sensor pigtail as well.

These are Ford specs.


Inj. Control Press. (ICP / HPOP)

KO=0 LI=625.5 HI=1400-1450 OR=0-4045 psi

ICP Voltage (Volts)

KO=0.2 LI=1.0 HI=1.8 OR= .15 - 4.7 Volts

IPR Duty Cycle

KO=14.84 LI=24 HI=40.60 OR=0-50 %

These numbers look to be a bit high for the 7.3! I could be wrong but these numbers look to be more in-line with the 6.0 PSD and not the 7.3 PSD. At idle my ICP is between 480-510 psi depending on which mode my tuner is in.


Expedition Leader
makes me pretty stoked to have my gas motor!!

whole engine rebuild and all new parts surrounding it i think i was less than $3500, sans labor of course.

I'm somewhat fearful of a repair bill like that... however I don't think I'd enjoy the rig as much if I was getting 10 mpg. Last highway trip (with a 9k Ambo in a snowstorm) I managed 22 mpg (US) for a 200 mile trip. Maintenance for the diesel has been minimal... if it were a gasser, it'd be on at least its third engine by now and have done way more work to it.


These numbers look to be a bit high for the 7.3! I could be wrong but these numbers look to be more in-line with the 6.0 PSD and not the 7.3 PSD. At idle my ICP is between 480-510 psi depending on which mode my tuner is in.

I thought they looked high also! Made me go a look at my numbers and make sure I didn't have a problem. My ICP is 480 in my 100 hp tune
I'm somewhat fearful of a repair bill like that... however I don't think I'd enjoy the rig as much if I was getting 10 mpg. Last highway trip (with a 9k Ambo in a snowstorm) I managed 22 mpg (US) for a 200 mile trip. Maintenance for the diesel has been minimal... if it were a gasser, it'd be on at least its third engine by now and have done way more work to it.

So far my rig weighs 4860 lbs

I usually get about 13-16 mpg across a mixed tank of gas.

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