Okay... solved. With cutting.
The spacers, actually, were loose enough to spin with my fingers. In fact, there was enough of a gap that I hardly shortened them at all when I slid my 1/16-inch cutting wheel in there and cut the head off. Now that I can see the threads, I will let them soak in PB Blaster while I'm gone this week. If that doesn't work, I'll try the beeswax... interesting, thanks, I've never heard of that. And, heat of course, now that I can actually get heat where I need it.

The bolt is beefier in diameter than I would have guessed, from the socket head... Looks like 3/8.

So, it's beefy enough to reef on after it soaks for a bit, without fear of busting it off.
Thanks all!
The spacers, actually, were loose enough to spin with my fingers. In fact, there was enough of a gap that I hardly shortened them at all when I slid my 1/16-inch cutting wheel in there and cut the head off. Now that I can see the threads, I will let them soak in PB Blaster while I'm gone this week. If that doesn't work, I'll try the beeswax... interesting, thanks, I've never heard of that. And, heat of course, now that I can actually get heat where I need it.

The bolt is beefier in diameter than I would have guessed, from the socket head... Looks like 3/8.

So, it's beefy enough to reef on after it soaks for a bit, without fear of busting it off.
Thanks all!