Insulating within the frame 50 gallon water tank


This looks like a good model to use. My operator is considering a similar setup. Freeze protection using the return circuit after it has delivered cabin heat via a water to air exchanger (using my existing ambo box heater circuit) and hot water via a water to water heat exchanger. The return circuit warms the tanks and any exposed lines. Bonuses are operator cabin heat and engine warming and even exterior compartment / battery box warming.

free radical

New member
You should have been a detective!

My fabricator was Justin Marquand who is the sole proprietor/ owner of HD-RV and Six13 MetalWorks in Fletcher, NC.
Online he has been known as JMarquand, aka MegaAmbu, aka ZukiCamper

What Justin does not tell is that he is a convicted felon presently on a 10 year probation for embezzling $30,000 in 2009 from a bicycle shop he managed in Florida.

This is all a matter of public record if one just does Google search. I stupidly did not do so until after I was well past $30,000 in deposits.

From personel experience, Justin has shown me that he has not learned from his past mistakes. He appears to lack a social conscience which others need to aware of before entering into any business relationship with him. I bring this up here to alert others to be very careful before having him do any project that involves an exchange of money.

In addition to not having finished my truck build, Justin still owes me a $4600 refund for a custom flatbed camper build which he never started while living off my deposits for 7 months. You will see that he did give me back the majority of my money but I want the rest of it. I figured out what was really going on last July and he has slowly been paying me back.

He claims to have no additional funds to give me but obviously he has enough money to trick out his Samurai shown on his recent build thread.
Sorry but his build thread was removed shortly after I posted this information.

My last conversation with him was that he wanted to finish my truck in exchange for the $4600 he owes me on the camper. Our relationship has degenerated to a point that I would be crazy to let him have my vehicle again. I was lucky to have gotten the truck out of his shop after he had it tore up for 9 months!

If anyone else has had a similar experience as mine, please contact me.

Ronald Liljedahl
Sorry to hear about such bad business experience,if there's a lesson to learn from its this;
Never give money to anyone before the job is exeptions!
Any honest good business/worker will have enough money to do any fabrication using their own funds,if they can't,
They obviously do something wrong and are not to be the person in this case..
If I had someone to do some specialty work I'd check every day on what's being done,and how far did the work progressed..just to see what's he all about...untill the job is completely finished to my satisfaction I'd hold of paying anything..

right now all you can do is wait or get the lawyers involved( not recommended as it will cost you even more $$$ and you'll get nothing back if the guy is broke) or cut your losses and have someone else to do the job..
As far as insulating tank goes,simplest solution would be to wrap it and the water lines with some insulating material.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Sorry to hear about such bad business experience,if there's a lesson to learn from its this;
Never give money to anyone before the job is exeptions!
Any honest good business/worker will have enough money to do any fabrication using their own funds,if they can't,
They obviously do something wrong and are not to be the person in this case..

I'm sorry but this just is not good advice.

It's pretty typical to do 1/3 down, 1/3 at start, 1/3 at completion or some other type of progress payment.

I can tell you that there is no way that we start any type of custom work without a deposit from the customer.


I was considering using a tankless water heater in the camper. Girard has the gswh-1 for around $500 which looks interesting.

What if I T'ed into the hot water line and recirculating hot water back into the fresh water tank as well as insulating the tank? Yes I would be using propane but I would only be heating water when I needed it. That sounds far simpler and more energy efficient than heating hot water via the diesel espar and circulating it around the truck. Far fewer connections and fewer potential leaks. No chance of contaminating my drinking water from the coolant line. I have never heard of anyone doing this but it has some potential.
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nick disjunkt

The comfort of having a cold shower on a hot day cant be underestimated. I found that even after carrying water around for two weeks with ambient temperatures of over 40 degrees centigrade in the day, the shower still felt remarkably cold. It would be worth including the necessary valves to avoid heating the tank in summer.


Combat Truck Monkey
I'm sorry but this just is not good advice.

It's pretty typical to do 1/3 down, 1/3 at start, 1/3 at completion or some other type of progress payment.

I can tell you that there is no way that we start any type of custom work without a deposit from the customer.

I agree with this advise. When I had my trailer frame built, I had to put down a deposit. Just get a contract that is to your comfort level (IE: anywhere from a verbal with a handshake to a full written with legal support if neccessary.


New member
In regard to justin marquand.
I have also has a terrible experience with Marquand.
Justin Marquand collected a $15,000 deposit on my interior build.
As my van was converted by the wonderful guys at u-joint in a swift and professional manor I trusted Justin Marquand .
Justin Marquand delayed for over a year and lied over and over when confronted. I finally had to travel to NC to Justin Marquand's 316 Metal Works shop and confront justin marquand in person. Justin Marquand Admitted to having used my money to live off of and take multiple vacations.
Justin Marquand told a sob story about having medical conditions and his girlfriend leaving him and begged for mercy.
We negotiated that Justin Marquand would sign over the title to the new WRX STI he just bought as collateral while Justin Marquand repaid the 15k. As I was walking out the door he called to me, as I turned around he took my picture. He yelled "that pictures will prove you stole it!" then started shaking and crying more and shrieking "I won't do it I won't do it give me the title and leave my shop"

I kept the title and left the shop.

Justin Marquand called the police and said I had stolen the title. I returned the title to the police.

After explaining the situation they recommended I file a criminal complaint.

I did this and learned that as normal Justin Marquand managed to operate just outside the borders of criminal activity and won't be prosecuted.

On another project occurring at the same time he charged me $5,000 for custom fabrication work and parts. He blamed the machine shops for taking too long for months to avoid the job then presented me with generic off the shelf parts. I caught Justin Marquand in attempting to grind off part numbers and kept quite while I investigated. This led me to the rest of the information I have shared above.

Justin Marquand Is a liar and con.
Any members of this forum would serve each other well to make sure this danger is known to and avoid by others.

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