Congrats, tho two GC2 batteries would had been a better choice.. good luck.
Yeah, I was trying to use the heat strip. It was loud, and baked me.were you trying to use the heatstrips in the AC? yeah those are terrible just use a normal space heater.. I got a wall mount one just so I didnt have to find a place to store it, but the added bonus its on own circuit.
I was looking at the Wave 3, do you think I need the 6 for a single tip out?Ive got a ceramic PTC, if you wanted ultimate silence an oil filled radiator would work really well.. just get an analogue one w/out digital controlls so it will come back on after a power outage..
Ive never ran mine off generator, that would be too much noise because it'd be running full blast to provide 1500W (max you'll find for 120v).. its only for when I've got mains power.. ive got a propex hs2800 and a wave 6 for boondocking, I run the propex 24/7 and the wave at night to supplement and reduce electrical needs.
I put two 2inch REI inflatable pads under our typical 3 inch foam padding. Huge!!!! Improvement! If you have a inflatable camp pad try tossing it under the stock one. Might be all you need.Took a quick weekend trip to work out some bugs. On my issue list. 1. Find a quieter heat source. Stock heat is unbearable when trying to sleep. 2. Find some way to utilize the interior of the ramp door for storage while still being able to use it as a ramp. 3. Improve the stock mattress.
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