Alright guys. We are done!
The cost remain as noted earlier:
2.4 sides-$370
1.9 sides-$338
These should be close enough to get funds to me. I was going to wait to get the final and do all the math, but this should be pretty close. If I get everyone in the next couple days I might get to the bank on friday of this week. If not it will be next week. Just my work schedule unfortunately. Either way here is the PayPal info. (my wife's PP, CFO you know!) Just send a note with your Expo name when you send the funds.
Feel free to PM or email ( me with any further questions.
Again the disclaimer, I will get the final quote from Hannibal, tomorrow or wednesday. If it goes up a few bucks I will ask for the balance, if it goes down I will reimburse. Im thinking this will be pretty close. If any wishes I will get you copies of invoices, freight estimates etc. Just ask.
Im off to email Hannibal our final. Since they are 9 hours ahead of us he will have all day to get the quote back and when we wake up I might have the final!!!
WooHoo!! Thanks all.