Interesting concept for a portable Fridge


Silly if you already need a decent House bank for other loads.

If tenting it maybe, but I'd be suspicious by default about the type / longevity of the powerpak part.

The value to price ratio of all those I've seen commercially so far is very low.

At minimum need replaceable cells, they are consumables, and a good fridge is likely to outlive any included battery.

So likely a gimmick IMO


Active member
Looks like a viable project and endeavor, and if efficient will probably be a worthwhile investment for those who don't need multiple charging unit capabilities.


Well-known member
15ah 3S Lithium battery.. 35W is as much as my Engel or ARB pulls.. "10h Runtime" isint enough for anyone.. your still going to need a house battery, this would just let you unplug for a few hours if your going to a park/party/beach you cant drive onto.. if your in a warm climate, it might just get through the night huh?

Main issue I have with my fancy ARB fridge is the nice display is long been dead, its now a beer fridge here in my office and I went with a relatively simpler Engel in the trailer.. one thing I like about it is the toddler kept ************** with the knob, so I just took it off.. sometimes less is more.


New member
not surprised that it funded... kickstarter loves that kind of stuff. does seem redundant though if you're already running other banks to cover other loads.

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