Viking with a Hammer
One of the campgrounds I've gone to several times is a little bit hilly, and has gravel roads. Last year when I was rolling out, a FWD minivan was struggling real badly to get traction, trying to pull a tent trailer up a small hill. The tongue weight lightens up the front, and makes reduced traction climbs a challenge.
In the same campground, I could not back my unloaded pickup truck into my campsite without 4x4. It could not start to reverse up the hill from a stop without spinning tires. I'll only every buy a 4x4 or AWD vehicle for towing.
How 'bout that midsize truck comparison, eh?
This is why I shake my head in disgust when I see any truck with a camper, that sits lower in the rear of the truck.
That failure of front drive, is also a warning. You can't stop for $%&! with the truck like that. In the rain and snow, it'll go straight to fighting the abs. Even level leaves some performance on the table. Tail down, is a death trap.