I am going to assume what I am looking at here is pictures of a Tacoma, but obviously I could be wrong on that. If so, this is frankly a problem with all our trucks. The bed is actually three main pcs. A composite tub which mates to the bedsides. It is not one solid pc. Therefore, unless you seal up this area under the factory bed rail caps and along the inside edge of the bed (where the metal bedside mates to the composite tub) before having your CC installed, this can happen unfortunately. It's probably easier to look at the pictures (link ) below to see how I sealed mine up if that doesn't make sense. I would imagine this is a little disappointing to find out at this point, but that is most likely issue, and really the only way to attend to it is lifting the camper back off. You could try getting as much sikaflex or silicone along that crack where you see it coming in to help possibly.
Wackyhacky's 2013 TaCOmarado Build
Awesome build. Following along for more. Thanks! Appreciate it!www.tacomaworld.com
Yeah, Tacoma 3rd gen. Really wish I would of sealed it before the installation.
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