Wish I had thought about that... I put a
Kenwood BT315U in mine (I really wanted single-DIN so I could fit a little phone shelf), and while I really like it for music, Siri has yet to understand me over the diesel... humans on the other side don't seem to have much of a problem, but active noise canceling would be awesome.
I have the diesel center console with 4 cup holders, an ashtray (we don't use) and another, bigger pocket up front under the radio, so I just rest my phone in there, or in the cupholder when I don't have a water bottle or cup of coffee. Used the BT again today, and I really have to say it was worth the $130 for the stereo. If you're looking for a solid, budget radio with BT, I definitely recommend the unit. Still waiting to see about the FLAC support...I got excited and plugged in a 32gb thumbdrive loaded, but that seems to be too much for it to handle. More word on that later, once I figure out the max size. I can't see spending the extra $ for this point on the exceleron, but maybe if I REALLY wanted HD radio...Still need to compare the rest of the features between the two.
In other news, we FINALLY burned through the tank of diesel. Well....Sort of. I was beginning to worry the gauge wasn't working because I was at like 470 miles on a tank, so I broke and filler her up. She took 26 gallons, so gauge appears to work. With the 1/4 tank of skunky year old diesel AND the old *** oil AND our daily idling of the engine AND me driving it harder than I normally would in an attempt to stretch her out a bit, we STILL managed a decent 17.5mpg, so I'm pretty stoked. We just got in from doing the oil this evening, and we're on a fresh run of Rotella T with the Motorcraft filter.
Tomorrow morning, we have an appointment with the Ford tech to give the whole truck a once over and if she gets a clean bill of health, we're taking her on our maiden voyage this coming weekend. In the meantime, we are busily plugging away at lists of things to do...I spent the last weekend enjoying the beautiful mountains of West Virginia on foot whilst the Misses tore out the old rubber floor liner and nasty padding in prep for some proper deadening/insulation. Parts are still rolling in as well. This week, we are hoping to get the coolant system flushed out and changed over to the delo. We have everything necessary, just looking for time at this point. We also opted for the 203 thermostat, and will be swapping that as well in the pursuit of some more mpgs. We will hopefully get some deadening done as well. We will be rocking the air mattress, as we haven't yet figured out what size mattress to order for the van.
Upon our return in a week, we have the following waiting to be installed:
Diamond Eye turbo-back exhaust (downpipe will be headed for the shop for a pyro bung)
Wicked Wheel Compressor Wheel
Energy Suspensions E350SD Master kit
After that, our next priorities are going to be the following:
Still need gauges (pyro/trans temp)
Shocks look and feel laughably original
Unclear on condition of tie rods/ball joints (will be clarified tomorrow, may or mat not need attention)
Change transmission fluid and replace cooler hoses
Change diff oil as it is most likely original (may hold off ever so slightly so as to secure an LSD)
Low priority but nagging in the back of head
Any way, if you've made it this far, thanks for reading. Here's a pic from this past weekend as a reward.