iPhone 6 Plus


I could swear there'd been a thread on the 6s/6plus, but looks like it may have disappeared as it degraded.

Please try to keep this on topic.

One or our guys here in the office just got the bigger Plus and it's darn near as big as a mini (not quite obviously).

Will apps like MotionX (offroad) and ??? for onroad with routing (suggestions) work on the iPhone too?

Advantages/drawbacks??? Suggestions.

Verizon's got a deal where can upgrade my 1 yr old 5s fairly cheaply for the larger format.


I was intent on buying one; I have an iPhone 5 and had an iPad. I went down to the Apple Store and handled a 6+, and changed my mind. As the NYTimes said, both too small and too big. Maybe if it had apps optimized for its size, but I just didn't like the ergonomics. I didn't realize how much I rely on one hand use, and having small places to stow the phone. YMMV of course, but at least handle one first.

I ended up using the $100 the + would have cost extra and put it toward a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4, which I love. For me, the Tab plus the smaller iPhone 5 is the bomb. I like the smaller Tab better than my iPad. I would have gone iPad Mini, but the Tab had much better features for my uses.

I do believe that Motion X and other nav apps will work on the 6+ just as well. Downsides of the 6+ vs the Mini are that no cheaper wifi version is available (if that matters), and no camera connection kit (so you can't upload photos as you can with the Mini). OTOH you probably get a better camera and some other goodies (I hesitate because rumor is new Minis will be out next week). Not as many case and mount choices for 6+ now, but that should be changing fast.


Thanks! I have handled one and size doesn't bother me. My reading eye sight does for use in the truck. Still think I'll be better off with a mini or air for that use!


Just remember unless you get the cellular version of the mini or air you won't get GPS, which is rather essential for map use. Although I think maybe you could pair an external, but I'm not sure.


Just remember unless you get the cellular version of the mini or air you won't get GPS, which is rather essential for map use. Although I think maybe you could pair an external, but I'm not sure.

Yep - done plenty of research on the mini/air and know you need the cellular version wiht the GPS chipset.


Yep - done plenty of research on the mini/air and know you need the cellular version wiht the GPS chipset.

Just bought one last month. You dont have to activate the cell end of things, and the gps works pretty well in my tests so far. No need for an external gps unit it appears. And I can finally run all of the sw map program I like on one unit- Benchmark, Scenic Maps West, Delorme and BC Navigator.

Scott Brady

Interested in more feedback as well. The 6 plus has a lot of appeal off the motorcycle, taking place of nearly all of the devices. Just not sure I want to live with such a big phone every day.

Any other 6+ owners have some short term feedback?


Got my hands on one at the office yesterday from someone that has one. Pretty big for 'just a phone' type thing. For what you're talking about Scott, it'd be a perfect size I'd think. Bigger that anything previous, but smaller than a mini for your motorcycle use. If it were just for a phone, my opinion is too big to put in your pocket. My current 5S with a Mophie case/back up charger is about as big as the 6. Thicker of course. 6+ is just too much for a pocket phone.

Just read a new post on the new Air 2. Intriguing to say the least!


New member
Looks like I'm a little late to the party, but I thought I'd give a little info for those thinking about picking up a 6 Plus and say brentbba is spot on. If someone is going to use it for "just a phone" this sucker is a monster! But for everything else, it is fantastic, it really is a great little unit and the additional battery life should prove useful. I also ordered a Limefuel LP200x 20,000 mAh dual USB battery pack for charging in the backcountry. The Limefuel is supposed to provide 10 charges for the 5s and 2 for an iPad. I hoping it'll meet in the middle for the 6 Plus.


Just remember unless you get the cellular version of the mini or air you won't get GPS, which is rather essential for map use. Although I think maybe you could pair an external, but I'm not sure.

Is there no BadElf available for the mini like there is the full iPad?

Having just switched from iPhone 4S to Galaxy S5 I'm completely enamored with non-Apple ware with the exception of not having MotionX! Can't find anything close for the Android.


I have had my iPhone 6 + 128 for about 2 weeks now and i just love it! I had an iPhone 5 (16g) and iPad Mini (16g) (currently for sale on ebay and the market place along with a garmin glo).

I know it sounds funny but my Expo vehicle is my H1 Hummer. Its a monster vehicle, but i just wanted one device to make it simple. I got tired of messing with the glo, mini and phone. Now i have enough storage on one device to do anything. Before i put my mini up forsale i comparted the Plus and the mini. The plus sideways has the same screen width as the ipad mini does verticle.

I got tired of charging three things! and I got tired of wires all over the dash ...

Also everyone of my vehicles has handsfree bluetooth so i just take it out of my pocket and set it in the vehicle and drive. I don't really use it as a phone. I really read a lot on my phone and wanted a bigger screen.

I got a RokForm case and just love it!!! it helps me hold the phone.

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