Iphone topo maps apps


Just came out two days ago a new I phone "topo maps" app with real USGS topo 1:24,000 scale maps. I just saw it and am downloading it now.....


looks wayyyyyyyy cool (this is a different app than the older app for topo)


I've been using Topo Maps for a few months now and while it started out basic, the developer has been steadily upgrading the app about once a month. I have had trouble getting a GPS position when out of the network, but I think that's a weakness of the iPhone's GPS receiver. I can confirm that it does work (sometimes) out of network. The biggest shortcoming I can see for Topo Maps is that it is a stand-alone app and can only download the quads to the iPhone. It would be a lot faster to find the quads you needed if you could download them on your computer and sync them to the iPhone. Also, no waypoints.
I'll be curious to see what anyone else has to say about the other apps, I'm hesitant to sink $$ into one unless I know it will be better than Topo Maps.


New member
New iPhone app in store

Hi Everyone,

I thought you might be interested in my new iPhone app which launched yesterday, Gaia GPS (http://www.gaiagps.com)

The app includes topo tiles of the US and Canada (including Alaska) from myTopo.com, which I think are better than national geographic tiles. You can download areas of map for offline use by drawing a rectangle, and then tiles at all zoom levels within the rectangle are downloaded. At the maximum zoom level, the tiles are 1:24,000.

The app also includes a GPS Recorder, a searchable list of 10,000,000 waypoints, and streetmap tiles from CloudMade. You can export tracks and geotagged photos in gpx format via email or to EveryTrail.com.

The app costs 2.99 and map downloads within the app are free. I'm working on the first update now, so if you check it out and let me know what you think, I'll try to add the features you want.

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Expedition Leader
Cool, I just upgraded from my 1st Gen to a new 3GS, so unused to the GPS features. So far, I discovered that the GPS chip eats battery life unbeliveably fast.

My suggestion on features for folks like us ExPo types that trust maps is to include a soft button to turn on/off the GPS function on the fly. Ideally, I'd like to use the screen map & compass to navigate from region to region, then click on the GPS for a quick fix to confirm my navigational ablity, turn it back off and move on to the next landmark.

I'd also like a free trial version, even just a 14 day version would be good.


Expedition Leader
Too bad Apple didn't add an integrated GPS receiver to their new Ipod Touch like they did with their Iphone. I would have def. bought one to replace my gen 2 unit.


My suggestion on features for folks like us ExPo types that trust maps is to include a soft button to turn on/off the GPS function on the fly.
I've always wished they had something like this for the WiFi as well. That way, to turn WiFi on and off, you could just tap an icon on the home screen rather than having to go through the menus. Sorry, back on topic...


New member
Cool, I just upgraded from my 1st Gen to a new 3GS, so unused to the GPS features. So far, I discovered that the GPS chip eats battery life unbeliveably fast.

Yeah, we've found that we can record a track for about 4 hours with Gaia GPS. We use the proximity sensor to turn the screen off, so if it's in your pocket the screen won't be wasting energy, but it's definitely the limiting factor for iPhone GPSes. I've been testing a bunch of solar charging solutions while backpacking. I'll write up a review soon.

My suggestion on features for folks like us ExPo types that trust maps is to include a soft button to turn on/off the GPS function on the fly. Ideally, I'd like to use the screen map & compass to navigate from region to region, then click on the GPS for a quick fix to confirm my navigational ablity, turn it back off and move on to the next landmark.

I'd love that feature too, unfortunately turning off radios uses Apple's 'private APIs', and they won't approve apps that use them. But unless you're recording a track, after getting the initial position, we set the GPS to a pretty low accuracy threshold, so it doesn't use so much battery. There's a button on the map screen to force an update when you want one. I'd also like soft buttons to turn off bluetooth, 3G, and wifi within the app, but it's not possible.

I'd also like a free trial version, even just a 14 day version would be good.

We've been thinking about how to do a free version. Apple doesn't allow time limited versions. But we were thinking about limiting it to a few map downloads, short tracks, and maybe not full zoom on the maps. It's kind of tricky, since you're not allowed to have anything in the app promotes the paid version, like saying update for more map downloads.

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