How much big W wilderness is truly open to livestock grazing? I'm genuinely curious. I had always thought that the majority of grazing rights took place on federal or state land that had a lesser designation (National Forests, BLM, ect.).
As for letting animal compete naturally....for better or for worse, we as a society are well beyond the point where we can simply let nature take its course. Management is needed, whether it be for getting rid of a harmful invasive species, propping up a fragile/vulnerable species or managing a population that is growing too fast and adversely affect other populations.
I like wilderness. But I'm also realistic about the fact that our modern society needs raw resources to survive (food, minerals, wood, fuel). Every time I hear someone champion a cause about shutting down this or that resource extraction or livestock industry, I understand that to be a euphemism for 'let's outsource our resource extraction to some other country who's environment we don't care about.'