Issues with Inka Outdoors


New member
Mike's wife is the COO of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce. I wonder how the Chamber would view them going bankrupt and taking peoples deposits? As long as I don't get a return call or personalized email, I will keep digging and keep posting what I find out.


I’m willing to bet he will be the type to file Ch 7 bankruptcy, protect his assets and have the debts owed to customers discharged. I understand that life takes bad turns sometimes but he entered into agreements to produce products, took money and hasn’t delivered. His house, car, and possessions should all be sold at auction to repay those debts. It’s harsh to make a man homeless but there needs to be some kind of personal responsibility and consequences for his actions.
That sucks I feel for you guys. I didn't realize Moby1 was heading in the same direction, but after reading the BBB reviews I can see it going in that direction. I was more than happy with the company that built my trailer. They asked for 1/3 deposit and when the time came for the second installment came due he told me he wasn't ready for it because the trailer wasn't completed enough for him to accept it. That showed me that he had great customer service.


Looks like they've taken down their facebook page and stripped their website down to an email address. Sucks for all those who had campers on order.

@FrenchieXJ , your thoughts will most likely not be well received here, but I've been thinking similarly. Moby1, Inka, and at least two others over the last three years have put buyers in similar positions. Anybody who blindly makes a multiple thousand dollar deposit without doing some type of research, demanding a contract with a delivery date and/or insisting on making the deposit by credit card or other means that give you some leverage is asking for trouble. It's one thing to throw out a few hundred dollars to get on a waiting list and then part payment at project start. But really, unless it is a custom build, why would you trust a company that is building a standard product in their line, that is in high demand, and asking for you to put up $5k(I believe someone mentioned making a deposit in that amount) up front, sometimes months before your build will start? Doesn't that raise red flags to anyone?

Outside somewhere

Overland certified public figure brand ambassador
His email discussed Chapter 7...

Lol, yeah I bet they did. They get to walk and their customers get screwed.

I wish we could go back to the olden days where thieves like this were handled swiftly and appropriately with street justice. Everyone hides behind the law today and sadly it often protects the wrong party.

In today's world these people ripping others off thinking the law protects them are forgetting that modern society has lost it's damn mind. If people will act like animals over a political candidate I wouldn't sleep very well if I had ripped people off of their savings. Sounds like a good way to catch a beating...

Looks like they've taken down their facebook page and stripped their website down to an email address. Sucks for all those who had campers on order.

That's new as 24 hrs or so ago. Trying to scrub online personal data. Just for posterity I give you:

Mike & Blair Stanford of Charlotte North Carolina
(See Pic Below)

...There is a problem on both ends of this situation (the buyers and builder).

The American market and culture we live in is, we want it now...

Very true. It's been a trend for some time. When camping turned into the "overlanding" fad it is today both buyers and sellers started acting in bizarre ways. People dumping 20k or more into bank owned vehicles or buying 45k camper trailers with IRA money like that ******** is an investment. Even people that were going out and dropping 2k on rtt's, all for the hype of posting on social media trying to monitize a hobby. This is the result. I really do honestly feel bad for those that got ripped off but to be honest it was a 50/50 shot and the odds were not in the buyers favor. Sellers too are trying to capitalize on the fad. That's why you see bio's of people who were lawn mower designers or worked for unnamed fortune 500 companies jumping into selling overland crap. Not because they love the product, because their is a buck to be made. Hopefully cases like this will cause people to take a breath, a step back and evaluate their needs vs wants and be more financially focused in the future.[/QUOTE]


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Beach Bum
When you are required to give up a deposit over 10% of the cost of a item your left yourself open for this type of situation. All businesses should have proper working capital or a line of credit with the suppliers. Dealing with any person (company) where they need to get a large deposit then they do not have capital to weather any bump in the road. Your risk of a situation like what has happened here is very possible.

Dealing with a company that has the waiting list for their product, if they need working capital can get investors or banks to lend them the money to operate the business. If a bank or investor will not lend them the money, why would you risk your money? Granted I read that they said it would be a while before they were able to produce the product. If their demand for their product is as good as they say then if you do not buy it when it is finished they will not have any problem selling it to the next person in line.There are some states where you can not collect more then 10% of the total price or $1,000.oo which ever is less for a contract.

This is exactly why I can't bring myself to shell out 30-60% for a new FWC or AT Habitat/Summit. No word on an exact delivery date and that kind of money up front is just silly especially when you watch all of these former prominent and well known companies within the industry flounder and fail. I'd be willing to bet that 90% or more of these companies over leveraged themselves or spent freely with the deposit money long before it was ever put towards the customers build.
I am in the same boat as many others here. Hoping for something back. If you read the latest update from Inka, my prediction is that it will file Chap 7 bankruptcy. The letter like others seems to dangle that carrot just a little more, with Mike putting in a last ditch effort for investors. I would imagine that this statement will provide him with more time to prepare the exit strategy and limit his losses as much as possible. He has closed shop and removed all employees.. Yet, Mike still thinks he will raise Capitol? I can't imagine anyone investing in a failed company. The email was sent with a version of how the company went from beginning to end. Many of us on the waiting list had no idea about his problems. And I'm not sure he would have, or did refund any deposits. I placed my order earlier in 2017 and I can only guess that the company was failing and still taking money from others.

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Kapitis Indagatoris
Not to go too far off topic, but seeing the growth of the Overland/Expo hobby since 2012, I always thought there was room for thread discussions and mentorship on how to start and run a new business in today's environment, so as to educate those that truly wanted to serve their customer. Living in "Entrepreneur and angel investor central" its fascinating what new business people expect when starting. It's even gotten worst with today's "Amazon/e-commerce" environment and "I want it all now" ownership mentality. There is nothing wrong with starting small and growing organically while serving your customer.

Best of luck as you move through this minefield.
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