Isuzu NPS 300 camper build


Crazy Person
Opinions sought!!!

Both ATW and EarthCruiser mount their awnings on the pop-top, if that's anything to go by.

Also, I think you will find that any modification to the ECU will actually be seen as "illegal", when it comes to emissions. But... who's gunna know that the ECU has a different map???? :sombrero:


The EC awning (electric) that I have seen is embedded in the pop-top - it is flushed on the rounded side of roof. Very concealed unless it is drawn out. So it seems quite safe from tree branches in the bush and from wind sway. But otherwise I have noticed mostly on the side of the truck body.

Mr Rehab

“I have ordered a 4.5m awning for the camper but I'm still debating whether to attach it to the top of the fixed body or to the roof.
My only concern with the roof mounted version is it might cause the roof to sway a bit on even slightly windy days.
Anyone got any experience with having their awning attached to the poptop?

Ours is attached to top of the camper wall and even though it sits at the top of the door, it doesn't interfere with access. One small issue with attaching to the lifting roof is that the awnings sits very high reducing its effectiveness as shelter or shade.


Just double checked pics of ATW; awnings both sides and body mounted, I wish I could conceal mine like that (maybe next build?)
EC roof mounted and my roof is same concept as EC but I noticed they do have a scissor type spring lift fitted to the front and I wonder if that is for added stability?
EC is nicely fitted within roof profile.
Theory for having it roof mounted is that in inclement weather I can still have the pop top sleeve windows open under the awning and also on hotter days you will be further away from the radiant heat.
If I did find that it swayed the roof I guess I could add a scissor lift, there is room within my design.
"I used to be undecided, now I'm not so sure!"


New member
Hi mate, awesome build.
I know the subject of body mounts is a complex one, but how did you come up with the size spring that you are using? Using the dimensions that you supplied earlier in your thread, if you put those into a spring rate calculator it comes up around 3000 pounds per inch. So would take about 1300 kg to open up a 25mm gap between body and chassis. That seems to be a lot of force to apply to the body? If you flex your truck up on one corner, do you get much separation?
I would be very interested in your thoughts on this.
Cheers, Al.


Hi mate, awesome build.
I know the subject of body mounts is a complex one, but how did you come up with the size spring that you are using? Using the dimensions that you supplied earlier in your thread, if you put those into a spring rate calculator it comes up around 3000 pounds per inch. So would take about 1300 kg to open up a 25mm gap between body and chassis. That seems to be a lot of force to apply to the body? If you flex your truck up on one corner, do you get much separation?
I would be very interested in your thoughts on this.
Cheers, Al.
PM sent


Just double checked pics of ATW; awnings both sides and body mounted, I wish I could conceal mine like that (maybe next build?)
EC roof mounted and my roof is same concept as EC but I noticed they do have a scissor type spring lift fitted to the front and I wonder if that is for added stability?
EC is nicely fitted within roof profile.
Theory for having it roof mounted is that in inclement weather I can still have the pop top sleeve windows open under the awning and also on hotter days you will be further away from the radiant heat.
If I did find that it swayed the roof I guess I could add a scissor lift, there is room within my design.
"I used to be undecided, now I'm not so sure!"

hi again mate, how did you proceed with the mounting of the awning, you were worried about mounting it to the roof because of the extra swaying of the roof without a scissor lift fitted. I am at the on paper stage of wall panels, door and awning fit ect and wanted to mount the awning to the lower wall and not the pop top but because i needed to go to a 762mm wide door i can only get one in a 1908mm height and this leaves me no room to easily mount the awning above the door without the bottom of the door 450mm off the ground. Easy way out is to mount awning on pop top but i do have concerns like you did.


I have no regrets about mounting the awning to the pop up roof instead of the fixed wall.
2 nights ago we were camped beside lake Lonsdale near the Grampians in Victoria and it blew a gale all evening and well into the night.
the awning survived without damage, tied at 6 points to keep it safe, and the roof only sways with the movement of the vehicle not on its own or from the awning.


Just an update on fuel economy, previously getting between 20.5 and 21 L/100k
Now after the remap getting 19.4 L/100k
I would typically be running around 5500KG loaded for a trip, full fuel & water etc
Tyre Pressure; I have applied the '4psi' rule and 70 on the front and 80 on the back seem to be the perfect numbers to achieve the 4psi gain from cold to hot.
here is a pick of the awning up from the other day, and this was before the strong winds kicked in.
Look who we bumped into just out of Geelong!


Great looking truck how have they found it?? I rang SLR and asked them for some info about that truck and whether it was going to become more than a prototype. The fella I spoke to just wiped me off, I asked about the expedition roof rack and rear tyre carrier also as a part i could buy for my work truck, but it felt like unless i was signing up for a $300k build he had no time for me. Was fairly abrupt to be honest, but took the time tell me about the Outdoor show he'd just returned from and the big money that the larger rigs they build were fetching. He didnt know if i had $5k or $5ook to spend but his attitude, of fly up and see me and we'll talk means he never will!!


Haven't posted anything for a while, just enjoying the use of our camper.

I have just fitted a scissor lifter to the front of our pop top roof, just as an aid to prevent side sway, not that it was a big problem.
One thing that this has highlighted is that I am so glad I did my pop top sleeve the way I did, which was to make each piece individually removeable.
This made the job so easy.



Will certainly add peace of mind in some not so pleasant weather.

I’ll second that idea of making individual sections of the canvas. Easier for removal and repairs. Future proofing ?



We recently did a trip to WA and back, over 8,500 kilometres in 4 weeks.
On the way home we drove from Kalgoorlie to Ceduna without buying fuel in between, 1400 kms, used 259 litres of diesel so about 18.5 L/100. Gotta love the range with having 2 x 140 litre tanks, that was with a tail wind of course and sitting on 100 all the way.

We also did Googs' Track which heads north from Ceduna for nearly 200k to the transcontinental rail line, then we went east to Kingoonya then south via the Gawler Ranges road to Iron Knob, a total of 650k.
All the Googs track was in 4x4 and low range for 2/3rds, the rest of the trip to Iron Knob was dirt roads of varying condition and I still got 19.5 L/100k for this leg. Probably because I never went more than about 80KPH for this leg of the trip.

Video and pics from Googs Track
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Good to see you are getting out and using the rig
Sounds like a fun trip the big fuel range saves money
A few years ago fuel was $2.09 a litre at Nullabor


I'm jealous, just did our maiden run, a trip to the Rock and back (that's Uluru for others), 3850 km in 5 days, got 22-26 l/100, was foot to the floor most of the way with lots of wind so can't complain really. Highest price was $217.9 lt.

Will start a separate build thread soon.

Cheers Steve

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