I have just had my NPS300 re-mapped by a local company, Geelong Performance Centre.
There are 2 hills nearby that I use as a ‘yard stick’ for performance, one leads up to the freeway entrance at the top of a hill and it is a 60KMH road.
Before the remap, I could not maintain 60 in any gear, so usually meant creeping up in 3rd at 40kph, now I can maintain 60 and in 4th gear even accelerate beyond 60kph.
The other hill was actually coming up the freeway to get off at the exit point nearest where I live.
On this hill which is 100kph limit, I usually ended up dropping to 80kph by the time I hit the exit, now after the remap, I can maintain 100 all the way up the hill.
I wanted to get the remap done now because I’m going touring for about 10 days in November and wanted to have the benefit of the extra performance.
With the short drive I’ve had so far I’m pleased with the result.
There are 2 hills nearby that I use as a ‘yard stick’ for performance, one leads up to the freeway entrance at the top of a hill and it is a 60KMH road.
Before the remap, I could not maintain 60 in any gear, so usually meant creeping up in 3rd at 40kph, now I can maintain 60 and in 4th gear even accelerate beyond 60kph.
The other hill was actually coming up the freeway to get off at the exit point nearest where I live.
On this hill which is 100kph limit, I usually ended up dropping to 80kph by the time I hit the exit, now after the remap, I can maintain 100 all the way up the hill.
I wanted to get the remap done now because I’m going touring for about 10 days in November and wanted to have the benefit of the extra performance.
With the short drive I’ve had so far I’m pleased with the result.