Isuzu NPS 300 camper build


New member
I'm not surprised by what you say about fuel delivery, but only because I know you've got a 24v 6bt cummins in your OKA!
I haven't had any problems with supply so far with the Pollack valve but I haven't really driven it a lot either, time will tell.

Close, 6.7L ISBe, different to the dodge engine. Rear geartrain, p/s, fuel pump etc is driven off the rear of the engine, not the front. Luckily it also has no egr, dpf or adblue, all the greenie crap that destroys engines.

Did the coaster sell?


Close, 6.7L ISBe, different to the dodge engine. Rear geartrain, p/s, fuel pump etc is driven off the rear of the engine, not the front. Luckily it also has no egr, dpf or adblue, all the greenie crap that destroys engines.

Did the coaster sell?

6.7!, no wonder the fuel is starving!
Yeah the coaster went about a year ago so I haven't been able to get out in the bush all this time, itching to get the isuzu useable!


New member
I bet you're itching too. I nearly bought an NPS instead of the oka, wonder if a 6.7 would fit in one, hmm.

Well it wasn't the pick up starving, changed over the low pressure fuel pump, no difference, but did see a bit of gummy crap on the shaft coming out of the high pressure pump. will change that over tomorrow, lucky i have spares of both, and a spare ecm.

Timed it today, just under 12sec 0-100, might get better with the pump changed


Thanks Moose and Glenn,

No one has responded with any issues with the pollak, for normal size engines anyway :)

I've ordered one, will just fit it and see.




Well I finally got to take the NPS out camping, it's not completely finished but enough to be useable.
Haven't commissioned the diesel heater yet or the shower but everything else was functional.
This is the first decent drive since buying the truck 2 1/2 years ago! and the first time my wife has been any distance in it.
The seats are comfortable enough but I might still see what I can do to improve ride quality over the front axle.



looks great mate, love your work. i am about to start my build which will be along similar lines to yours. can i ask what you paid for the pop top sleeve and actuators and where you purchased them. just trying to get my budget sorted. thanks Gary


looks great mate, love your work. i am about to start my build which will be along similar lines to yours. can i ask what you paid for the pop top sleeve and actuators and where you purchased them. just trying to get my budget sorted. thanks Gary

Pop top sleeve was about a grand from Tebbs in Dandenong, vic,
4 x 600 actuators and controller was about 1750 from Australian Gas Springs, 29 Tower Crt Noble Park.


Truck's looking really good, bet it's a good thing to be out and using it.

4 x 600 actuators and controller was about 1750 from Australian Gas Springs, 29 Tower Crt Noble Park.

Have you tried to contact these guys recently? I've been trying to call/email them the last month or so, haven't been able to get a response


you have done a really nice job inside(well the whole thing really). Did you get the doors custom made or did you make the draws to suit off the shelf doors? reason I ask is Im thinking of using ikea door and draw fronts as a cheaper option to custom made.


you have done a really nice job inside(well the whole thing really). Did you get the doors custom made or did you make the draws to suit off the shelf doors? reason I ask is Im thinking of using ikea door and draw fronts as a cheaper option to custom made.

Thanks corrupt!
I made all my own drawers then got the fronts cut and edged by a cabinet maker. The material for the drawer fronts cost more than the cabinet maker charged to cut and edge them!

I was there only about 6 weeks ago, haven't needed to contact them since.

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