Few things to update:
Because of my fantastic perks from work, I am able to utilize our company vehicles to drive daily. The Nissan has been garaged for over four months now, and I've been keeping the old girl on a trickle charge to keep the juice fresh. I also start it once a week and let it run for about 30 minutes. Having an interesting issue - the trickle charger works great, but I don't think my battery is holding a charge anymore. I just had the starter replaced last year, and the trickle charge says "unable to charge." I get no response at all when I turn the key over. No clicking, no churn, no lights. Suggestions?
Other than that, I finally figured out the rooftop tent + awning setup, even though I cheated on the Xterra and used a rental Expedition. I drilled through the frame of the tent and used the same L-brackets and bolted it down. Fits nice and snug, and worked out really well.