jeep jk unlimited camper project


Luckily, no damage was done - Was able to work on the rear cargo hatch and window. Was only able to get the window in white, but will repaint when the camper is later coated.


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That's a very interesting and ambitious project you have there. Not sure if you mentioned this but are you considering adding jacks to make removal easier or will the unit be attached at all times? I'm finalizing the design of my pull behind and I'm thinking about making it removable from my Schutt military trailer. I very much like your construction method. Any idea what it weighs?

Great work!



That's a very interesting and ambitious project you have there. Not sure if you mentioned this but are you considering adding jacks to make removal easier or will the unit be attached at all times? I'm finalizing the design of my pull behind and I'm thinking about making it removable from my Schutt military trailer. I very much like your construction method. Any idea what it weighs?

Great work!


Thanks! I've thought of using jacks and thought it'd be kinda cool having the option of removing it if doing some harder trails. Once removed, you could still use the camper, somewhat - as a base camp. With the top popped, sleeping out of the weather would be possible. Although it wouldn't be completely enclosed, you would be somewhat out of the elements and able to use many functions of the camper. In terms of weight, I'm estimating it weighs around 400-500 lbs. After having it coated, I plan on putting it on a scale.. Keep in mind, this was built out of pine - marine grade wood would be significantly lighter.


Subscribed. This is a cool idea, can't wait to see the finished product.
Thanks, everyone, for all the kind words - been working for the past couple months on finalizing a lift system for the camper top. Waiting on a part that should arrive in the next few days. Hope to have new pics in the next few weeks.


I saw a good suggestion on side windows for cross ventilation. I'd like to add that it be a window that slants outward, a very common RV window. This way, when it rains you can leave windows open without dripping inside.

I have the slide type windows that were suggested in a Sportsmobile I just sold. Camping last weekend when it rained on us, I had to close the windows. Another thing I don't like about the sliding types, they have little drainage holes along the lower edge that get clogged with dust and gunk over time.

Finally, does "Bamajeep" mean you're in Alabama? If so, I gotta drive and see this thing. I love driving through Alabama anyway.


Thanks for following the build - Been trying to squeeze in the time to work on the camper while juggling three kids and a full time job. I've been working with the lift mechanism for the past couple of weeks, but it ended up not working as I had planned. The hard part now, is developing a lift that will not be bulky and cumbersome, not take up excessive interior space, and not be in the way of the canvas sides as it lowers. I'm now in the process of working with a new idea for the lift and will definitely continue to update. Any ideas for the lift... please send them my way. Thanks again for following!

In need of some updates!.....please

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There's a thread on here from a guy who converted a contractors cap to a pop top. He designed and fab'd his own lift system that seemed especially smart. Good luck, can't wait to see your progress.

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