Expedition Leader
:sombrero: If she does have an auto, the 4.10 gears are worthless, even with stock 32" tires--
If she goes to 33" tires, that'll be easier on the suspension than 35" tires would be, but
Even with 33" tires and NOT regearing---her mileage/performance is going down the drain for hiwy travel, not so much off-road, but hiwy cruising will be terrible, unless she hit's the O/D button (OFF), as soon as she starts the jeep-
There are tuners, but still the PROVEN way is to regear, no doubtaboutit-
Good luck
:costumed-smiley-007:bike_rider: JIMBO
If she goes to 33" tires, that'll be easier on the suspension than 35" tires would be, but
Even with 33" tires and NOT regearing---her mileage/performance is going down the drain for hiwy travel, not so much off-road, but hiwy cruising will be terrible, unless she hit's the O/D button (OFF), as soon as she starts the jeep-
There are tuners, but still the PROVEN way is to regear, no doubtaboutit-
Good luck
:costumed-smiley-007:bike_rider: JIMBO