Jerry cans, which to choose?


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
So just to make sure I can drive thru California on my way to Baja and I will not get stop because of my gas can carriers?

You should be fine. Remember the NATO can is compliant, the regular spout is the issue. If you want to be compliant buy a CARB spout for your NATO cans.

Ownership of older or non-compliant cans is not the issue. You just won't be able to buy non compliant cans from a vendor, the thought being the older cans will be taken out of the system due to age. It's the same as if you were driving an older car that originally didn't have seat belts, you wouldn't get a ticket.


"NATO" cans of today are based off a design from years ago, not any current requirements. NATO is an internatinal group of countries based on a treaty. CARB cans are based off a requirement. UN also has requirements which scepter MFCs can meet but they do not meet CARB requirements. At the federal level DOT has no requirements for personal transport of fuel, states may be different.
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I think I need a bigger truck!
I have a couple of the Scepter Gas cans as well as 2 of their potable water jugs. They are all fantastic, well made and tough. Highly recommended. They are also made in Canada, Scepter is a Canadian company based in Ontario as I recall?

I picked up 2 surplus cans from a shop in Vancouver (shipped here they were about $40.00 each). Sadly one was missing the internal vent tube, so it is not possible to pour from it with the spout...bummer. I really only use one anyhow, and I can fill one with the other if I need to. The Princess Auto ones go on sale from time to time, but the best prices seem to be DS Tactical in New West as noted before.

That is where I ordered my water cans from, new seals and new red lid straps for the gas cans. I picked up the spout from PA for the same price as DS.

Agree with others, these are the best out there. I have 2 metal cans, one is mint and the other is junk because it was empty and started to rust. Ugh.

That one is going to become a Tool Kit or a portable


New member
Subscribe to the PA flyer and wait patiently. They come on sale about every three months at about 50 canadian pesos.


Nato Style cans are great but be careful, there are Chinese copies that are not the same.
I bought a 4 pack of the Chinese version and they were 1/2 the weight of my old 15yr old Wedco and did not seal 100%.
I would not buy a can without touch/see-it-1st-hand.
The last ones I bought are from Europe thru TO Extreme and unbelievably well built.
As far as Natos not being Carb safe, there is now a spout that is Carb approved, see link.


New member
Subscribe to the PA flyer and wait patiently. They come on sale about every three months at about 50 canadian pesos.

Yep. My plan exactly. Prolly couldn't get them shipped to me on the island from Vancouver for the price diff between P.A. and DS Tactical.


Wiffleball Batter
Nato Style cans are great but be careful, there are Chinese copies that are not the same.
Is there a quick/easy way to tell the difference? Any identifying stampings or marks? Are fuel cans required to have country-of-origin markings on them?

Burb One

PepBoys has the Spectre Civilian style plastic ones in Red, Yellow and Blue (marked potable water). They are $20-30 and you can use a 30% off coupon they have perpetually on their website. For less then $20 bucks each I can't beat that.

I've had a few of mine for over 3 years worth of trips (and the fact they are stored on the outside of the vehicle 24/7/365) and can't see any wear marks or failure points. Even if I replace them every 5 or 10 years as a wear item (honestly I think they will out last me), you can't beat the price.


Is there a quick/easy way to tell the difference? Any identifying stampings or marks? Are fuel cans required to have country-of-origin markings on them?

Most of the legit NATO cans in current production are made by either Valpro of Latvia or Gelg of Poland regardless of the brand name they're sold under (Wavian, Wedco etc.). Valpro cans will have a stylized "V" stamp on one side:


Gelg cans have two crossed "Gs" inside a circle (one backwards) and the word "GELG" below. Mine came with a sticker that says "Made in Poland."


The two brands have minor differences between them but nothing worth going with one or the other except price. I buy my 20L Gelg cans from for $28-$36 depending on color.

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