JK130 | Custom TDI Diesel Parallel Hybrid Jeep Wrangler with composite camper build.


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Whata doing out here in Oregon?

Small vacation to visit family ( I am originally from Oregon) I will also take some time after visiting family to meet up with a friend who is out there right now, and we will go camping for a few days near Mt hood, and probably make it over to Mt St Hellens.
I haven't been to Oregon is too many years, so I am sure looking forward to it. Headed to the airport in a few hours.
What are your favorite places in the Portland/Mt hood general area to do some light offroading and camping?


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Yes I am still here if anyone is wondering.
I am back on the project again and so have a few updates.

I am nearly finished mounting the JKU B pillars on the body, I cut the rear back further and have been doing some minor details with the body and beginning the work on the dash.

I bought a new heavy duty clutch kit $200 and am waiting to install it.

I bought materials for adaptor plate and engine mounts
$100, but this part is taking a while to complete, and so I am going to decide this week whether to throw in the towel and just order an adaptor. I hate to do this, but I am about 6 months behind schedule on the project, so I need to make some time up.

I have decided on using the Accutune Weld on Coilover kit for the suspension. I hated to do inboard rears, but I really don't see how I can do outboards and not interfere with the rear camper body.

Right now I am trying to decide whether King or Fox are worth the double-the-cost price tag against FOA coil overs. Any comments welcomed.

Sorry for the lack up updates, but more coming now that I am able to go back to the garage and work again more frequently.


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I decided to abandon my own adaptor plate and order one from HPA Motorsports.
I made about 75% of one, but I just haven't been making much progress lately, so time to just admit that I should spend the cash and get one already made.

I started with 1/4" plate steel, as you can see below; I then used a 1-1/2" rolled piece , and then a second piece of 1/4" plate to make what would have been a total of a 2" thick adaptor.

I planned to move the starter to the opposite side of the bellhousing (which the HPA adaptor does also) and use the original TDI starter.

I just got to the point where I realize that at the rate I have been working, it would be 2 or 3 months more of work before I actually finished the adaptor and the crank spacer, so I will just admit defeat and today I ordered a plate from HPA Motorsports.

$1,050 with shipping, should be here early next week.

With this purchase I cross the $5k mark for parts purchased for the project. about 1/4 of the budget........ am I a fourth of the way done? Not so sure I am.

Considering I will be buying the coil overs and mounting brackets once I get the engine in and running........ The money is going to be flowing freely.

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Hey there, if you find yourself over by Trout Lake, this is a super scenic hike when the sky is clear. You can see Mt. Adams, Mt. St Helens, Mt. Hood, Mt. Rainer and Sisters from there. You could take some forest service roads over to St Helens from there. https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/sleeping-beauty-peak

I never thanked you for the suggestion, but I did end up going out to Trout Lake, and exploring the area, thank you! It was awesome!


Well-known member
This is the build we all dream about. Congrats on getting started, looks fabulous so far. I love you started with the JK you already own.


Well-known member
Considering I will be buying the coil overs and mounting brackets once I get the engine in and running........ The money is going to be flowing freely.
Some items, like these I'd call not part of the build budget. These are just upgrades you could do at anytime. The stock suspension would work fine with the extended wheelbase, camper conversion.

Your frame extension is similar to what AEV did with the Brute. Well done.


Well-known member
Glad to see you back at it. I was wondering about you a month or two ago but couldn't find the thread to ask. I hope all is well and I look forward to the updates.


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Update on the addition of the JKU B-Pillar panels.

These photos are a bit old, but they are pretty close to how it stands today on the B-Pillar install.
Since I bought just the outer panels, there is a bunch of custom fitting needed to cut down the original inner panel so that these ones will fit, but as you can see they are mostly installed. I still have to bend some steel to fill in gaps, but the doors do close correctly and it lines up pretty well.
I have a few more spot-welds to make on the bottom lip, and some more trimming to do, but I feel pretty good with these so far.

The camper box will taper down and meet these panels with some custom fiberglass panels, so it will look like a nice smooth transition, so please don't judge these too harshly yet.

Once all that is complete, I will re-fill these with foam just like they are from the factory.



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Thank you again.
I just ordered that shift rail guide, and the remote oil filter adaptor also made by Whitbread.
I will tear the transmission down and put the shift guide in and see how much that improves shifting.

The remote filter will just help to clean up the installation by allowing me to keep the filter remote, and also allow me to build in the pre-lube system that I want to have. I am imagining a system that will only crank after detecting oil pressure from the pre-lube system.

Total with Shipping ~ $340

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Minor record keeping update; I just bought a pair of used leather seats for the conversion.

They are from a 2014 Hyundai Genesis. The reason I picked them, is that I rented one of these cars on a trip a few years ago, and I remember how comfortable the seats were. I plan to put a lot of miles on the Jeep when I am finished with it, so might as well be comfortable!

The only thing I don't care for is that they have 'R Spec' written on them. I would have preferred them to be just black.

They fit (I measured before buying of course)



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