Just purchased a Military trailer to build a family hauler

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
The trailer is sitting in the yard covered with a tarp, I am so tempted to start working on it again.
but I know the minute I do the Pennsylvania snow will start to fly! I have been drawing up plans for a swing out camp kitchen
and more items to use the side receivers for. I bought a new in the box three burner LP RV stove for .99cents off ebay.
I will be including it in my camp kitchen design.

Now that the rush of Christmas and New Years is over I have more time to design stuff for the trailer.
I will post some pictures of my new build items.

Happy New Year to my forum friends!
Mark Harley


I am finally starting to work on mine now. I will be going through and using some of your ideas on my build. I look forward to seeing any progress you make.


Any chance you have pictures of the underside of the tub when you had it off the frame? If it isn't too much trouble can you post them if you have any and possibly a close up of the tail gate hinge and latches?

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
No pictures of the underside, it was rust free but had light undercoating on it.
I sprayed it with a thin coat of auto undercoating Black and bolted it on.

I will get some shots of the hinges anything particular you would like to see?
Here is a shot of the rear if that helps.


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I can also take pics of the hinges since my tailgate is off right now. Mark as always I like seeing pictures of your trailer and it looks really good.

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
Thank You!

I am itching to start back on the build but mother nature has other plans.
Up and down temperatures and mud in the yard don't make working outside fun.
I am going to order the parts for the RTT rack this month and start getting that ready.
The camp kitchen is in the works and drawn up for build.

I am looking for a good deal on a LARGE RTT.
Pennsylvania is behind on cool camping gear stores Bass Pro Shops has RTT's but they are high.
Craigslist is a no go nothing good in this area.

If you could shoot some pictures and post them.
Axle arrive yet?


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First Sorry Mark for hijacking your thread.

Texas FJ thanks for the Link! And your frame painted black next to the tub is what made me think to ask Mark both of you have amazing builds.

I WANT a 416 but one is way out of my price range and I have spent 2 years watching for one close enough and in my price range. I came buy some steel for cheap enough to build my own trailer box. Again sorry Mark for the Hijack.


The M101 is a good platform. It really isnt TOO heavy. I do have several M105's here (2700-3000 lbs empty). I use them on my farm for various things. I usually have one with 3 ton of small gravel instead of salt for my 3/4 mile long drive. I have also had the pioneers trailers, nice. I really like the M105 for the increased space, 6x9 instead of 5x8, I also have just "stolen" the bed, bows, and tarp to marry to my own custom lowered dumping frame. I did just pick up an M105A3 which has 22.5" tires and a surge brake (the first version with that option). I may steal the bed off of it for a "modular" system for my F-350 diesel dually crew cab or F-550 gasser. I want to have a flatbed (with Autocrane), army tarped bed ,and a Gitchner Shelter for the back. I can transfer them via forklift. Each truck has/ will have custom attachment system.

Good luck, with your build Jronwood

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