I too thought about all the bells and whistles that can be APRS. In the end, I went with the
MicroTrak RTG.
Turn key installation $220. Easily moved from vehicle to vehicle, however it is usually just forgotten and does its thing in the Avalanche. Turn the key on and it works. Get home, hit the maps, and see EVERYWHERE we have been.
Rides under the back seat where I installed an ignition hot power port. You can just see it under the gold dune flag poles in this picture.
The cell phone and 2m offer enough communication options for us right now. APRS is way down the list. Maybe if the cell was gone, I MIGHT consider using text messages via APRS? For now I am at my "happy place".
I would suggest getting APRS going , now. Don't wait and speculate. Keep It Simple...
EDIT: I looked a little closer at the
Moblinkd option. It does look pretty cool. Worth playing with for sure. All together $72 (cable, TNC, app) add a radio to that ($50 cheapie) and you are in under $150. It will not function independent of the Android OS. Not a stand alone unit in that sense. Still looks like fun and worth some testing. I have several little Wouxun radios around and this might be a good thing to try with one of those? Right now my gut says the MicroTrak RTG is a better option for a KISS vehicle APRS solution.