Decided to get a few opinions on the procedure prior to making a firm decision. I've now seen three Orthopedic Surgeons, and two of the three had very similar diagnosis. Finished that process yeasterday.
All three consider my knee to be substantially more difficult than most due to the previous injury's and surgeries, (a torn PCL, loose ACL, substantial scar tissue, and severe flattening due to being bone on bone for the last few years, and an attempt at large scale microfracture surgery that didn't work) and as those who know me, I'm not a little guy. I have lost almost 10 Lbs in the last month, and hope to continue loosing weight gradually. I'm back on my mountain bike and riding thru the pain. It hurts like hell, but I know I've got to try and rebuild the muscle structure prior to the operation. I bought a bag of generic frozen Peas to ice the bugger down, and that helps some.
To use the traditional guide rods to align the implants my local surgeon recommended removal of the 12MM femoral rod that's been in my leg since 1985. That isn't a real delightful thing to go thru. It requires removal of the anchoring screw, a 5" long incision thru the hip adductor's, the use of a removal device similar to a slide hammer to literally pound the rod free, and then several months of recovery to let the bone heal. Once that's healed, it would be time for the replacement.
The other two Surgeons are both in Flagstaff, and use Computer Assisted techniques to align the implants vs. the guide rods. I was impressed with the fact that the one Dr. flat out told me he wasn't up to doing such a complicated knee replacement and recommended me to the second who specializes in knee replacements. They both feel the precision in aligning the implants via the computer offers a much longer lasting implant, and it doesn't require removing the femoral rod. The Flag hospital also has a wing dedicated to bone and joint injuries that has been essentially double sterilized and they maintain a very high level of control of personnel and equipment to prevent infections. I'll be heading back to Flag again this month for a second consultation and planning meeting to get the ball rolling.