One month update: For my uses/needs, this sucker is awesome ! I also acquired shortly after this one, a Benchmade Mini-Presidio from Benchmade directly. Even though I have long been out of LE, they still gave me a 30% LE discount. The Mini-Presidio is like a mid-size Griptilian in it's design. Very, very nice folder with a heavier blade and handle. Between my old Bucks, the Grip and Mini-Grips, as well as these two recent acquisitions (not to mention the too many SAKs I own). I think I'm set for the rest of my days. I also have a number of fixed blades for heavier use. The Bugout is an absolutely perfect blade for carrying in town along with my SAK Executive (which, honestly, I use far more often than a large blade).I recently bought the redesigned Benchmade Bugout 535BK2 during a member's sale at REI. I had a $10 dividend that I applied as well so the cost was $113 shipped including my state's sales tax. These are light knives (1.8 oz.!) designed for backpackers and hikers. I normally have carried a Mini-Griptilian as an EDC for 10-11 years but this one is lighter, carries more easily, and the larger size fits my hand better. Very slim profile. Not for heavy duty use IMO but none of the knives I've EDC'd are designed for batoning, etc.![]()
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