East Coast Overland
And New Brunswick too!! Fundy coast and park, Apalachian Trail, and all along the Acadian peninsula
Lot's of great spots in Atlantic Canada.
Happy to recommend some great hikes, campgrounds and trails. Great areas for wilderness camping in Nova Scotia and double for Newfoundland.
Hey bad dog. is there any off roading, nothing extreme around cape Breton?
Up here in the "Great White North" there' still a lot of Crown Land. This is public land that anyone can use for non-commercial purposes. The general rule is "don't make a mess". Most folks try have as small an impact as possible. This doesn't mean you can't cut down a tree. It does mean that you shouldn't cut them down if you don't need to. By far the biggest issue is garbage. We haul out bags and bags of it each spring. If folks would just use the old "if you brung it in you can bring it out" rule, things would continue to look nice for our kids and grandkids.
We are planning another trip into the area next year. We now know we can get in almost half way without much trouble. This will be our jumping off point in 2016 and is possible to get to without much drama. We have pre-selected a possible route by living on Google Earth for far too many evenings. In addition, we are making a number of changes based on our experiences in 2014:
- bringing a trailer to form the hub of our base camp which will move every 2-3 days after we have scouted/cleared a trail to our next camp
- More people/vehicles for extra help clearing trail
- way more food & water
- 2 Quads to scout ahead of the trucks so we’re not burning as much fuel
- fuel run at the trip mid-point to bring extra fuel in to our base camp
- better comms (2 sat phones, CB repeater, CB base station)
- Google earth cached on ruggedized laptop
- heavy duty ground anchors
- additional chain saws & shovels
- more time
Tentative dates are Aug 2nd to 21st.