Are those two shots of rigs, just PARKED?... i see no water movement or drivers.
Amusing, isn't it?
But you do have to get out of the truck in order to get the pictures, Don't you?
Actually, this river is an amazing place for bass fishing. Also the trail to get there is quite interesting, particularly because there is so much dust that there is no way to go through without a snorkel. Otherwise your engine will seize within three or four miles of driving into the dusty area. I know it sounds unbelievable, but trust me it's true.
As a matter of fact, it gets so dusty in summer that Toyota engineers have come from Japan twice to conduct different tests in this area, including engine air filtration and weatherstrip design.
If you combine great fishing with great offroad fun, you get guys like these doing all sorts of dumb and crazy things.
Anyway, I think the pictures are nice.