Photo of a friend's Toyota Bandeirante.
and some videos of this car:
[ame=""]YouTube - toyota band[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - Jeep Trilha Toyota Bandeirantes submarino Pantanal[/ame]
A few from the past U.P. Overland trip
It was a great trip this year! Next year just keep on the list till the end and plan to make it.How did it go this year? I was on the waiting list....maybe next year.:sombrero:
Looks really nice, what OME Lift do you have? I have 285's & dont know if i should do 2.5'' or just the OME Stock hight lift (IIRC it's .75'' lift).
Just go 2.5". It really doesn't effect the drive-ability at all, is more or less the same price, and then if you ever decide to go to a bigger tire or "gear up" your 80, it is ready for that. I have mediums in my LX450 and it handles and drives great.
Nice Cruiser. Is it painted a flat color?
Mouse007, sorry I didn't see your post earlier. I have OME 851s front and 862s rear.
Thanks, looks really nice can you send me some more pictures?
my e-mail is