Land cruiser straight 6 vs V8?


How would it overwhelm the suspension?

Coils are so much nicer going down washboards, they don't tend to skip about even in a solid axle vehicle. The ride in a 80 is night and day over a 60. Why put in an engine to make the vehicle go faster, if the suspension can't keep up? It is like me taking a modern 4T dirt bike engine, and tossing it in a 70's chassis...go from 12" of travel to 4"...makes little sense.

Drive them back to back, the 80 is like a trail couch, 60 is like a buck board. Zimm knows this...

You can make leafs perform nearly as well as coils, but you have to throw a bunch of money at it. At that point, might as well just change out the whole chassis...the 80 has been well sorted over the years, can buy everything off the shelf suspension-wise.

LS engine swap, 80 chassis, 60 body...the whole package. Power, handling, and the "look". Why half-******** it?

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Can't say that I agree Clutch. I have built quite a few 60/62 series and swapped in 5.3L & 6.2L. Too fast, really? Unlike a stock 60/62 where you have to plan a pass out on the interstate, you can drive with the normal flow of traffic. With a swapped truck you can slow down for those washboards you mention. The increase in power translates into a far more drive able vehicle. You can actually get on an interstate without being a moving pick.

Instead of running up the RPMs in normal traffic just to keep up you just roll into the throttle and poof you are doing 40 MPH. Before you go knocking something you have no experience in, take your own advice and go drive one. You may just be able to form an informed opinion at that point.


Can't say that I agree Clutch. I have built quite a few 60/62 series and swapped in 5.3L & 6.2L. Too fast, really? Unlike a stock 60/62 where you have to plan a pass out on the interstate, you can drive with the normal flow of traffic. With a swapped truck you can slow down for those washboards you mention. The increase in power translates into a far more drive able vehicle. You can actually get on an interstate without being a moving pick.

Instead of running up the RPMs in normal traffic just to keep up you just roll into the throttle and poof you are doing 40 MPH. Before you go knocking something you have no experience in, take your own advice and go drive one. You may just be able to form an informed opinion at that point.

That is my point with the wash boards, why put more powerful engine in a chassis if you have to slow down? Whole point is to be comfortable and take off road situations with ease, and well go a little faster. Even if you don't want to drive fast, you want to be comfortable right? Why you swap in the engine in the first place to be more comfortable in traffic, yeah?

I can see having the extra power for the interstate, but still fully leaf sprung vehicle isn't the greatest for running slab. Want a freeway cruiser buy a Tahoe or Silverado. Extra Cab Silverado would probably be better for zimmer. All he would have to do is the suspension from Mazzulla and some glass to fit 37's. 6.5' bed for sleeping...everything he needs. Don't like IFS...get a Ram or Ford 3/4 ton, honestly zimmer would be better served with a 3/4 ton truck for how much weight he is lugging around on that poor 60. Would barely have to touch a 3/4 ton mod wise, leveling kit you could easily sling 37's under there. Throw a topper on there and call it good.


Probably the odd man out here, I just don't see the point of putting in modern drivetrain in a platform if you're not going to modernized the suspension while you're at it too.
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Precisely why they make chocolate an vanilla. If you are looking for the true, correct formula, you'll not find it here.


Precisely why they make chocolate an vanilla. If you are looking for the true, correct formula, you'll not find it here.

Yes sir! Never liked the 60 (even in the looks department) and I am "Toyota Guy" As they say, to each their own! :)

All this anger back and forth and I'm over here in the 77 with a 1HZ just peddling as fast as I can.

No anger here (not in the least :D ), just poking fun at he deserves it, as he is "arguably" the biggest jackhole mudslinger on here. Honestly don't know how or why he hasn't been banned yet, must has his tongue down the backside of Brady's trousers or sumthing....
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Expedition Leader
Yes sir! Never liked the 60 (even in the looks department) and I am "Toyota Guy" As they say, to each their own! :)

No anger here (not in the least :D ), just poking fun at he deserves it, as he is "arguably" the biggest jackhole mudslinger on here. Honestly don't know how or why he hasn't been banned yet, must has his tongue down the backside of Brady's trousers or sumthing....

Because I know what I'm talking bout when I comment, and ask when I don't. You should try it!

Instead of trying to deflect to me when your *** is getting handed to you (you're not trump, it ain't gonna work for you) keep fighting your fight. Keep posting pics of Silverados that would get destroyed and be valueless hunk where I go.
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Expedition Leader
How would it overwhelm the suspension?

Coils are so much nicer going down washboards, they don't tend to skip about even in a solid axle vehicle. The ride in a 80 is night and day over a 60. Why put in an engine to make the vehicle go faster, if the suspension can't keep up? It is like me taking a modern 4T dirt bike engine, and tossing it in a 70's chassis...go from 12" of travel to 4"...makes little sense.

Drive them back to back, the 80 is like a trail couch, 60 is like a buck board. Zimm knows this...

You can make leafs perform nearly as well as coils, but you have to throw a bunch of money at it. At that point, might as well just change out the whole chassis...the 80 has been well sorted over the years, can buy everything off the shelf suspension-wise.

LS engine swap, 80 chassis, 60 body...the whole package. Power, handling, and the "look". Why half-******** it?

You do!!?? Hell, the way you talk about how great PA is, it sounds like you never leave. I grew up there, couldn't wait to move the hell out of there.

Hey I do the same! Travel about, fly in and rent (last rental was a mini van, ha!)...but ride the dirt bike around in circles like a 12 year old when I am waiting for the next trip....just got back from the border of Canada riding the trails up there. You should come on out, I'll show you around...acting like a kid playing in the mud isn't a bad thing.

I don't see the point of tossing in a LS engine in a leaf sprung vehicle, why put in an engine that can overwhelm the suspension real quick? Makes sense in an a 60, dunno...seems like a waste of time money and effort. My buddy has a built 60, yes I have driven it, even if it is OME suspension it is horrible running down washboards, will rattle yer fillings out. Guess why I don't see why swapping in a hotrod engine is beneficial. The 3F is the perfect engine for that platform, it is slow and bumbling just like the chassis. It is part of its' charm.

If you're going through all the trouble why not go all the way and sling an 80 chassis under the 60 body?

That is my point with the wash boards, why put more powerful engine in a chassis if you have to slow down? Whole point is to be comfortable and take off road situations with ease, and well go a little faster. Even if you don't want to drive fast, you want to be comfortable right? Why you swap in the engine in the first place to be more comfortable in traffic, yeah?

I can see having the extra power for the interstate, but still fully leaf sprung vehicle isn't the greatest for running slab. Want a freeway cruiser buy a Tahoe or Silverado. Extra Cab Silverado would probably be better for zimmer. All he would have to do is the suspension from Mazzulla and some glass to fit 37's. 6.5' bed for sleeping...everything he needs. Don't like IFS...get a Ram or Ford 3/4 ton, honestly zimmer would be better served with a 3/4 ton truck for how much weight he is lugging around on that poor 60. Would barely have to touch a 3/4 ton mod wise, leveling kit you could easily sling 37's under there. Throw a topper on there and call it good.

Probably the odd man out here, I just don't see the point of putting in modern drivetrain in a platform if you're not going to modernized the suspension while you're at it too.

good on you for moving, im sorry your childhood was so traumatic. unless youre a trust fund baby, have you ever noticed, wherever you live, you still have to go to work, and how small the world has gotten when theres an airport nearby?


you still didnt answer how the hell the suspension is overwhelmed by the engine. one of my 40's i sold had 350hp/sm465 combo on stock springs/SU and i still didnt even have axle wrap issues. (a little help for you ).

the later LX470 use... ahhhhhh... torsion bars! nothing but a straightened out coil spring, but vastly inferior due to its length, wouldnt you say? holy ****, how toyota regressed.

oh, wait... doesnt your beloved hilux have leaves? what an antiquated POS it is, compared to a modern defender hi-cap with rear coils.


Odd, just 2 days ago i had a passenger wheeling with me and he commented on how smooth my truck operates, and its on HD OME springs. hows the **** is that? maybe the appropriate spring with appropriate shock. i settled for bilstiens which are a bit soft, because i couldnt locate a supplier for koni HT raids with the appropriate mounts. oh well, i guess i'll settle for the pillow ride of a leaf sprung 60's continental.

no, its not the best on washboard, at 45psi, but if im on washboard, im on dirt and then im at 20psi. itll ride like a 40' gozzard on the dead sea like that. funny how the low psi barely affects tire wear on an E rated 35.


you have no idea what youre talking about. you think is easy to put an 80 chassis under a 60 then swap in an LS? its cool, for some dude that likes projects maybe, but this is a driver.


why on earth would you complain about a suspension not being modern, then recommend a SFA truck if i dont like IFS (and who said i had anything against ifs?)? you think the biggest problem with the ride would be having leaves, and not the unsprung weight and motion transfer of a SFA, when compared to IFS??? seriously? ford would have stuck with the 1978 design if that was the case. you contradict yourself.


if i wanted a 150 inch wheelbase and truck that wouldnt fit where i like to drive it, why would i limit myself to a capper or 6.5 inch bed? i'm 6'4". i still couldnt sleep straight. for that penalty, i'll take a slide in or a unimog with a box. i HAVE that, and that isnt what i wanted for this truck. i wanted the smallest, lightest box, i could easily set up to sleep in, and this is it. pop the rear panels and there are mounting holes galore to put sturdy wood sides. my platform slides in to permit full and when the front seats are forward, it slides out to 6'8" and the front seats act a headboard. storage under the deck is clear and unobstructed.

the track is 4" narrower than new wrangler, so with 315's and stock BS i get 1.5 inches of rubber standoff to match the sliders, and i fit into the standard ruts on the typical trail. the 110" wheel base seems to be the best functional compromise for an all purpose truck.

lastly, i had a 60 previously. i like the box shape and i like the wheelbase. i like the outward visibility and knowing where the corners are. its an eeeeaaaaasy truck to wheel.

i guess you would disapprove my old school modified mgbgt too. too bad, it's awfully fun.


If the internet were alive when your fathers were younger they'd have been arguing Ford and Chevy. Did you know that putting LS motors in Fords is common? Ford tough with Chevy Stuff! Relax guys, they are only trucks :)


Expedition Leader
If the internet were alive when your fathers were younger they'd have been arguing Ford and Chevy. Did you know that putting LS motors in Fords is common? Ford tough with Chevy Stuff! Relax guys, they are only trucks :)
I sold a lathe and templates used in the 50’s to make conversion plates to put Chevy V8’s in old Fords that had strait 6’s. This was in Burbank when Bobs Big Boy was Cruise central. My father inlaw grew up two blocks from there and his dad made some good money on the side making plates for the swaps.


Very cool. I grew up with a father that was a gear head. I knew every speed shop, guy with a hot rod in town. I remember my dad working on mechanical fuel injection in our garage when I was a kid in the 60s. I just hung out in the background and listened. Kids didn't have an opinion then :)


I didn't read the whole thread but a GM 5.3 is one of the best bang for the buck engines made and I am a Ford guy. I have had them with over 14,000 hours and they run great. No timing belt and increasing the horsepower is easy with all of the aftermarket support. A person can buy 2 GM 5.3 for the price of a timing belt change on the 100 seriers.

I am not a fan of the 6.0 but many people swear by them.


Expedition Leader
I didn't read the whole thread but a GM 5.3 is one of the best bang for the buck engines made and I am a Ford guy. I have had them with over 14,000 hours and they run great. No timing belt and increasing the horsepower is easy with all of the aftermarket support. A person can buy 2 GM 5.3 for the price of a timing belt change on the 100 seriers.

I am not a fan of the 6.0 but many people swear by them.

if you were dropping it in a fox body mustang and wanted 10's, i'd do a 6.0, head port, cam, and call it a day. kinda like, why punch a 302 to the limit 347, when a 351 will do it stock?

for a land cruiser thats not towing, i dont think youll see much between an l33 and an lq4, stock, except the loss of a couple mpg highway. i've been scanning the local craigslist for an lq9. no luck yet. i suffer from "if 275hp is good, 375 is better", breaking all my "adequate HP only" rules. it'll push all the drivetrain parts. i was recommended the atomic msd over reflashed stock for better control, but thats expensive for a budget build.


Don't get an early 6.0 they have issues with Oil Pumps. I have owned nearly 100 vehicles if not more and never have blown an engine until I owned a 6.0.
I have blown 3 GM 6.0 all 2003 to 2005. All sudden Oil Pump failures. They were CNG trucks but it turned me off to the 6.0.

The 5.3 has the reliability of the 350 Chevy.

I am sure that you will get a 6.0 but I think the 5.3 is a better option.

A LC is driven in a manner where the difference in power really shows up.



Expedition Leader
Coils are so much nicer going down washboards, they don't tend to skip about even in a solid axle vehicle. The ride in a 80 is night and day over a 60. Why put in an engine to make the vehicle go faster, if the suspension can't keep up? It is like me taking a modern 4T dirt bike engine, and tossing it in a 70's chassis...go from 12" of travel to 4"...makes little sense.

Drive them back to back, the 80 is like a trail couch, 60 is like a buck board. Zimm knows this...

You can make leafs perform nearly as well as coils, but you have to throw a bunch of money at it. At that point, might as well just change out the whole chassis...the 80 has been well sorted over the years, can buy everything off the shelf suspension-wise.

LS engine swap, 80 chassis, 60 body...the whole package. Power, handling, and the "look". Why half-******** it?

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Guess we have a different idea what overwhelm means

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