Land Rover National Rally: Montrose


2005, 2006 Tech Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
Wow!! Wonderful photos. :wings:
Looks absolutely funtastic! :safari-rig:
Makes me wish I had a Rover. :eek: Yikes! What am I saying?
Don't tell Rocinante (or Jonathan) I said that. ;)


Jonathan Hanson

Supporting Sponsor
Here are a few more:

Another view of a G4 Disco making the scary move around the downhill corner - a piece of cake, really, just exciting because of the exposure, and, in this case, wet rock.


Graham Jackson and his 110, the cover vehicle of Overland Journal issue one. I got to drive it. It's a magnificent machine.


And a view back down the trail to Ho's G4 Edition, with accessories in the foreground.


And finally - on the way out we came across this Xterra that had rolled off the road. The driver had hitched a ride out for help, but two other slightly injured passengers were still at the scene, so we gave them a ride out.



Expedition Leader
Great looking Land Rovers, when my lexus grows up it wants to be like a landy with all the gas containers on top.

I guess you do not get to see too often the Landcruisers with all the gas cans on top!:)


Nice pics!. I wonder what happened to that X as I haven't heard anything on the Xterra boards about it that I visit.


New member
Expedition Pictures said:
here's that d90 that flopped over at "the wall" on poughkeepsie gulch:

That looks like Frank Cerrone's D90, from Cerrone's European out of Redwood City, Ca. It's hard to read the door, but the truck looks familiar.

It's always interesting to peruse an internet forum and stumble across an familiar truck!



That looks like Frank Cerrone's D90, from Cerrone's European out of Redwood City, Ca. It's hard to read the door, but the truck looks familiar.

You are correct. That was Frank who did the side flop.



ExPo Original
Great pics Josh, Jonathan, etc.

What a great bunch of trick Land Rovers. Of course one never tires of looking at Graham's and Brian's (nice new Hi-Lift!), but the others are total eye candy too. For some reason, I really love the G4 orange.

Nice to see the high country is so green from all the rain this year. Roseann looks right at home on Black Bear, yet somewhat guilty while driving a newer LR.

Thanks for today's, "Cool, I wish I was there," report everyone.



Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
hattrik21 said:
Nice pics!. I wonder what happened to that X as I haven't heard anything on the Xterra boards about it that I visit.

It was a family from New Jersey, vacationing at their boss' ranch. His Xterra, too! Amazingly, only the wife was injured (bad puncture wound on leg, bruises, and a lump on the head). The husband, brother, and 4 year old were okay.

We picked them up, patched them up, and were taking them to Montrose for medical attention when their friends showed up and we handed them off.

Not sure what happened - as their tracks showed they just drove straight off the road and rolled.


DesertRose said:
It was a family from New Jersey, vacationing at their boss' ranch. His Xterra, too! Amazingly, only the wife was injured (bad puncture wound on leg, bruises, and a lump on the head). The husband, brother, and 4 year old were okay.

We picked them up, patched them up, and were taking them to Montrose for medical attention when their friends showed up and we handed them off.

Not sure what happened - as their tracks showed they just drove straight off the road and rolled.

Thanks for the update. I'm glad everyone is ok for the most part.

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