

I am looking for a durable lantern. I broke the glass on the one I have just going down a dirt road. I don't want to have to worry about packing it just right. Any suggestions?


Expedition Leader
Have you considered a headlamp? I only take a lantern now if there will be a large group.


BigAl said:
Have you considered a headlamp? I only take a lantern now if there will be a large group.

Have a Petzl headlamp already, as well as a SureFire flashlight. I want a lantern for group and family camping when fire restrictions are in place.


New member
I've had the glass and mantels break on my coleman latern. Switched over to a battey powered latern. No problems with them so far, just make sure you carry extra batteries with you.

Dave Bennett

ghost said:
I've had the glass and mantels break on my coleman latern. Switched over to a battey powered latern. No problems with them so far, just make sure you carry extra batteries with you.

Yep, me too. I now use AA battery powered LED lanterns in camp and they are worry free. All my camp gadgets (lantern, headlamp, GPS, flashlights) take the same AA batteries and this is a big plus.

I have a GLORB and it is awesome. I saw Al Walter with something similar in Baja and have been looking ever since until I found this:
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Expedition Leader
If you have a 12V power source the ARB florescent light is incredibly bright considering it is only 12W/1A draw! It comes with about a 10' cord.

Or this: But unlike the ARB above I have not personally used this one...but it looks darn nice for 1/2 the draw of the ARB! And I believe I saw somebody offering a rechargeable version for cordless portability.

Dave Bennett

spressomon said:
If you have a 12V power source the ARB florescent light is incredibly bright considering it is only 12W/1A draw! It comes with about a 10' cord.

Or this: But unlike the ARB above I have not personally used this one...but it looks darn nice for 1/2 the draw of the ARB! And I believe I saw somebody offering a rechargeable version for cordless portability.

This same type of light as sold by ARB can also be found at Sears as a Craftsman florescent light, I have one and thought it was funny when I saw darn near the same light with "ARB" on it for way more money :)


Expedition Leader
This same type of light as sold by ARB can also be found at Sears as a Craftsman florescent light, I have one and thought it was funny when I saw darn near the same light with "ARB" on it for way more money :)

The one thing the ARB has impressed me over the Sears stick I had for my garage light (floro 120V) is it's resistance to cold temps. The ARB works better in the old than any other floro light I have. Maybe someone with a bit more electrical knowledge can offer up an explanation.


Expedition Leader
I finally got tried of the Colemans (Fuel, pump pump pump pump pump pumping, constantly replacing mantles,...)

We got a Rayovac florescent that uses 8 D-cells. Two florescent tubes, with choice of using one or both.

Love it. 'Click' it's on, 'click' it's off. After we bought ours I saw one with a remote, but I think that's a little overkill. ;)

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Green Ganesha

I gave up on mantles long ago. In addition to the battery-powered options, there's also this very cool and ultra-compact Liberty mantle-less glass-less lantern from Brunton:


Its platinum screen makes a very pleasant orange glow...


...and it folds down small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.



Expedition Leader
I have that Brunton and like it (its a bit more of a mood light though.) Bought it for the same "non mantle lighting."

X2 on the ARB florescent light for the $$ you can't beat it and it also works for night time trail repairs - uses very little 12v power.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
dennisuello said:
Are Coleman battery lanterns ok, or are there other better options?
I have one, uses two 9" tubes and takes four D cells. On high it uses both tubes, on low just one. It's bright enough for reading inside the camper, but not a substitute if you want the same light as a regular white gas Coleman on high outside. It's orders less bright than a real lantern. I'll get a couple of months of typical use (hour or so at night, few minutes here and there overnight or in the morning) on batteries. I've had this a few years and so they may be better now, but I'd be hard pressed to call the fluorescent lanterns a substitute for a gas lantern for illuminating a whole camp site.


Expedition Leader
DaveInDenver said:
... but I'd be hard pressed to call the fluorescent lanterns a substitute for a gas lantern for illuminating a whole camp site.

I think the Rayovac I have is probably closer, since it uses twice the juice (8 Ds) and has twice the tube (two folded tubes v. Coleman's two straight tubes), but even then it doesn't quite put out the light of a gas lamp.

For us, however, that's a suitable compromise for the convenience and durability.

Andrew Walcker

Mod Emeritus
I'll vouch for the Brunton Mantless unit like GG and DD mentioned in the above post. What I like most is that the light is very pleasant and is not overly bright white. It doesn't destroy your night vision as much as some other units. It also has a surprsingly large amount of adjustment from low to high brightness.

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