I bought one of these Coleman lanterns over the weekend.
Has 4 independent light pods that can be removed from the main lantern and used independently. It runs on 8 (yup.. Eight) D batteries which also do the work to charge/recharge a battery in each of the 4 light pods. I don't know what kind of batter each pod uses yet.
For rechargeable batteries, I normally use Sanyo eneloop NiMH batteries which unlike normal NiMH batteries will hold a charge for up to 3 years when you store them. They loose ~10-20% of their charge if left sitting for a year. Regular NiMH batteries will only hold a charge for a few weeks or so.
I bought both at a local Costco. The lamp was ~$50.
In preliminary testing I will say the lamp is very bright! Much more so than the 2 LED lanterns I already own.
I'll be keeping this lantern in the old canvas case that I used to use with my old propane lantern (w/ the stainless steel screen globe). I also have the hard case (from Coleman IIRC) that prevents the old glass globe from breaking. I highly recommend it for traditional glass globe lights if you don't already use it.:ylsmoke: