Wow! It’s been a really long time since the K10 has done any web wheeling around here. Over the past year I’ve been so busy on the Polar Bear Burb and Rob’s Zook5.3L Blazer the ole K10 has been sitting in the garage collecting dust since the last outing last October. This past week it has gotten some attention in preparation for our annual week-long Desert Trip. I will be piloting the K10 and a work buddy and his wife from Chicago will be cruising the Polar Bear Burb.
Greg (Colorad

utback) did a great job of rebuilding the can carrier.
Greg came up with a clever can lock and lid lock
The old carrier was more of a basket that served its purpose for a few years until something better could come along. This basket badly covered up the left taillight.
Breaker 1-9! After 10+ year of pressure from my buddy Rob (Zoomad75) I finally succumbed to the CB world. Just got so tired of feeding little walkie talkies a never ending supply of batteries for trail communications. The Polar Bear Burb got a CB this week as well. Rob did a great job of tuning in the CBs in both of the rigs this past Thurs night
While the K10 was getting attention I completely rewired the power supply to the camper. Up until now it just had two 10 gauge wires from the underhood aux battery to charge the camper battery. That worked fine but on the last few days of a 7-10 day trip the batteries were tired and wreaking havoc on the National Luna refrigerator. This time I went all out carefully threading a 1/0 battery cable from the underhood aux battery to the camper battery. The huge voltage drop is all but a memory now!
Unfortunately, I ran out of time and funds to get a few things done to the K10 that last year I swore would happen before the next big trip. What didn’t get done this go around were shocks and selectable lockers. The truck badly needs some real shocks as these cheap Superlift shocks are not cutting the mustard and I am totally OVER the rear Detroit locker. Absolutely tired of rear steering and all the other bad habits known with Detroit lockers. After driving the Polar Bear Burb with the same powertrain (sans a Detroit) for the past several months, the Detroit in the K10 is more noticeable and annoying than ever.
That’s it for now……. Desert Trip 2016 starts next Saturday!