Last 2500 Suburban


Well I promise you BP units are exactly as I stated. It has nothing to do with the child lock. No disrespect intended but since you didnt understand the 10 18, I guarantee you dont know.
Quick opening locks are for K-9 units, just so you understand that.


Active member
What's the big deal about a BP truck?

One Owner!

Many drivers!

No doubt! Gives "run to the border" a whole new meaning.

Drei. One good thing about your ride is it still has the front airdam. So it probably wasnt used as a normal patrol vehicle. It may have been an FTO ride or as mentioned above for command staff to take VIPs for border tours or some other waste of resources. You think you move fast down fire roads you should see a tahoe going after a dope load.


No doubt! Gives "run to the border" a whole new meaning.

Drei. One good thing about your ride is it still has the front airdam. So it probably wasnt used as a normal patrol vehicle. It may have been an FTO ride or as mentioned above for command staff to take VIPs for border tours or some other waste of resources. You think you move fast down fire roads you should see a tahoe going after a dope load.

How do those Tahoe’s perform and stand up to that kind of use?
As far as I remember, the only changes they get is a skid plate in front and cut bumper and I think shocks. Or are they more modified than that for fast desert patrol?


Active member
The gmt900s are PPVs (police patrol vehicles)from GM so theyre a little beefier than a standard hoe. I believe they have heavier suspension bits and shocks, different tuning, and i dont think the ppvs have the afm. I dont know exactly what all the differences are just what Ive been told. They are stiffer riding and sit taller. They seem to hold up pretty well but I dont see when or how often they replace stuff. I like them better than the f150s


Wiffleball Batter
The gmt900s are PPVs (police patrol vehicles)from GM so theyre a little beefier than a standard hoe. I believe they have heavier suspension bits and shocks, different tuning, and i dont think the ppvs have the afm. I dont know exactly what all the differences are just what Ive been told. They are stiffer riding and sit taller. They seem to hold up pretty well but I dont see when or how often they replace stuff. I like them better than the f150s

Aren't the PPVs all 2wd though? I thought that was how it went: PPVs are the 2wd and I think the 4wd was called the SSV (Special Support Vehicle? Something like that?)


Space Monkey
Check under the rear seats really really good before you let your kiddos play around too much. I search everyone really well, however I removed the rear seat in my patrol car to do a really deep cleaning after a drunk Pissed in the back seat. I found an uncapped syringe under the backseat... and it was there for awhile.

I know how patrol vehicles are treated and what happens in them, I’ll never own a used one.


Oh yeah, a good deep clean with virex and cavicide as well as a good bleach wipe scrub was done before the kids got in. No syringes. All I have to say is that the vinyl floors are amazing for two toddlers. Front seats got a good steam clean. Rear vinyl seats got cleaned good too.


Space Monkey
Fleet prices are never MSRP. Theyll go out the door for 60k.

Either way if your gonna put your kids in that thing you need to disinfect the hell out of it. Theres a good chances since its a Burb it was used as an EMT rig and god only knows what was in the back.


You are correct fleet prices are never MSRP, they do go out the door for 60k as a fleet purchase.

You are also wrong, you can not purchase one for under 100k without a fleet account, and you can not just walk into a dealer and get fleet pricing without a fleet account. Prove me wrong, show me an invoice for a non fleet 2019 Suburban 2500 (note not 3500). You can not because it does not exist and has not existed for a few years now.

Most people here do not have fleet accounts, thus any of the fleet new purchase prices or vehicles are completely irrelevant to this discussion.

It was not an EMT rig. But you are correct, I cleaned the crap out of the interior before I let my wife or kids inside. Hosing off the vinyl floors is very satisfying. It's also a great alternative to a minivan.


Active member
Aren't the PPVs all 2wd though? I thought that was how it went: PPVs are the 2wd and I think the 4wd was called the SSV (Special Support Vehicle? Something like that?)

SSV, PPV whatever. Theyre supposed to be the heavier built GM 4wd tahoe.


How do those Tahoe’s perform and stand up to that kind of use?
As far as I remember, the only changes they get is a skid plate in front and cut bumper and I think shocks. Or are they more modified than that for fast desert patrol?

The Tahoes have skid plates (2 parts), Bilstein shocks, front leveling spacers, and larger bump stops

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Space Monkey
First phase after major decon: level, tires and mirrors.

16" steelies with very worn tread had to go. Looking to craigslist for help I scored a set of 33x12.5" on 17" rims at a killer price.


Tread is about 50% but for the price I will get over a year out of them before I go to something different.


Next was the towing mirrors. They were horrible for daily driving and looked ridiculous. Less than $100 shipped on eBay for a set of normal mirrors with power, puddle lights and heaters. Towing mirrors were sold for $100 on craigslist within an hour. These look so much better.


Tires and mirrors are on. Next was new 1-3" level keys and a minor trim. This is the picture before the keys and trim.

To be continued...

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