Hahaha................what he ^^^^^ said!! How does a former oilfield truck still look that good?!?!?!
The nickname the office ladies applied to it long ago was "The Million Dollar Blazer". We abused it thoroughly early on, but over the past few years we've restored it to a high level of refinement. I remember Dad yanking wireline trucks out of ditches with it and I remember needing dozers to pull it out of holes.
Thanks for the kind words y'all. There are plenty of brand acolytes that think their trucks are tough, but I'm pretty partial to these squarebodies. I know what this truck has done (er shouldn't have done) and it's never broke down on me.
As an exciting tidbit, I just received word that my application to run the Copperstate Overland was accepted. So I'm looking forward to a fun trip next month. It's not exactly filled with unknowns, but it should be a very fun adventure.