Brett- I have a shell w/ barn doors for the SD, and really considering doing the bed 'correctly'- we should compare notes, and do it simultaneously...
Not to hijack, but i have been trying to figure out what to do with the interior of my Unicover Contractor Topper. I want to insulate it, but i am concerned about moisture build up on the inside of the aluminum. Especially if i seal it or sandwich some insulation between the outer layer and an interior layer of either aluminum or plastic sheating. Whatcha guys think?
I have heard of people using insulation from home depot that has a sticky side on one side. You can get them in different thickness. Supposedly works good, its what Ill be using when I buy my next aluminum canopy. Also, from what Ive read, it sounds like a good idea to make thin insulated window shades for overnight use to keep the condensation out. When I used my fiberglass canopy that was carpeted I got a lot of condensation over the windows by morning. Hope this helps.
Here is a shot of mine, almost complete, in the back of my Ranger.
The back half is open compartments, accessible from the rear (as you can see), and the front half has removable lids or doors to access the storage area.
It cuts down headroom, but still easy to sleep in.