Lets talk about gas storage


So here's the basic requirements:
---Must be inexpensive
---Must be safe
---Must not put too much weight on the tailgate
Well, why not by some Kolpin tanks (cheaper version of Rotopax). Then take off your spare tire and strap it down inside the Jeep. Then store the Kolpin tanks on the tailgate. Without the spare, tailgate weight should not be an issue.
Then you can save up funds to make it better in the future.
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Expedition Leader
I, for the life of it all, can not see spending that much on a plastic can. If it were metal, perhaps. May as well call them tactical gas cans.


2020 JT Rubicon Launch Edition & 2021 F350 6.7L
Disclaimer: I haven't read all 8 pages of this thread...

* Scepter makes CARB compliant cans and many (including me) believe CARB compliant gas cans are another sign that our country is spiraling downward (for some reasons some states think California knows what it's doing and they copy our state's **************** laws)
* When most talk about Scepter gas cans they're referring to the military style cans (olive drab color)
* Sceptre military cans can be purchased used and there are two "different" containers, those used for gas and those used for diesel. The difference is the gasket and they have different colors (I think red is gas and yellow is diesel but I could have that backasswards). The gasoline cans use Viton (material) gaskets. But you can buy the diesel containers and buy Viton gaskets (there was at least one guy selling them as I bought several from him).
* I've read that since it's illegal to use non-CARB compliant gas containers, law enforcement will/have pulled folks over and written them up (here in Taxifornia). I searched for that and didn't find it easily but I know I've read that before.

All that said, I have Scepter cans and like them a lot. I bought them used at a decent price and bought the Viton gaskets too.

I also have a JKUR and I will not carry gas in any container inside my Jeep. The smell can be overpowering but I fear the worst which is gasoline inside the vehicle in an accident, etc. I'm waiting to have the funds to buy a new rear bumper with swing away spare carrier that I can add a gas can carrier to it.

If I HAD to carry fuel (I've been lucky enough to either not need it or have friends with pickups, etc. who will give me gas that I pay for) I would consider strapping a Sceptre gas can (or even a smaller 2.5 gallon gas can) to the factory spare tire's wheel. I think that would be a real option.

Some info on Sceptre gas cans and other related info: https://www.survivalmonkey.com/threads/portable-fuel-storage-jerry-can-faq.49574/

There are at least 17 threads that address Sceptre gas cans and other options on Expedition Portal. You can search for them if this link doesn't work: http://www.expeditionportal.com/forum/search.php?searchid=1492600

I was looking for the post/thread for the guy selling Viton gaskets but can't find it right now.


Wiffleball Batter
* I've read that since it's illegal to use non-CARB compliant gas containers, law enforcement will/have pulled folks over and written them up (here in Taxifornia). I searched for that and didn't find it easily but I know I've read that before.

Yeah, I'm calling BS on that until I get a documented FIRST HAND account of this happening (not a "I heard from a friends brothers second cousin that a guy he knew got ticketed....")
How would the cops even know what to look for on cans? Are older cans "grandfathered" in? For that matter, I've never seen any conclusive proof that it is illegal to use non-CARB compliant cans per California law. It may be illegal to sell a non-carb compliant can to somebody but there's a difference between what its illegal to sell and what it's illegal to own/use/possess.


2020 JT Rubicon Launch Edition & 2021 F350 6.7L
More Googling resulted in these...

From the archives: http://www.expeditionportal.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-59143.html


This looks like the regulations for use of portable fuel containers in California: http://www.arb.ca.gov/consprod/fuel-containers/pfc/pfcreg2005.pdf and if this is the correct/current regulation (I believe it is as it's from this webpage: http://www.arb.ca.gov/consprod/fuel-containers/pfc/eo/eo.htm) then it applies only to containers for sale and distribution in California. It does not mention use of containers sold prior to the regulation going into effect, but that does not mean there isn't a law addressing that. Still looking...

Here is the regulation pertaining to use of "utility jugs" (you've seen these - they have been popular with the jetski and dirt bike crowd - the rectangular 5 gallon containers with jug handles and a center top fill hole that typically has a cap with an OPEN plastic tube ("spout"): http://www.arb.ca.gov/enf/advs/advs342.pdf

Imperial Sand Dunes is not ticketing use of "illegal utility jugs" - see 5th bullet down: http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/elcentro/recreation/ohvs/isdra/dunesinfo/lawenforcement/qanda.html

Getting closer. Maybe.

This is from the Glamis Dunes forum...

Mr Hitesman, I am not aware of any rules implemented by BLM banning the use of old style gas tanks at the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area.
On the rumors about people being cited for using older style cans at ISDRA, that's probably what they are. I have gotten several questions on the topic but I have no specific information to follow up with.
Unless there's an apparent hazard to the public, you shouldn't have any problems.
Sal Nieblas
Supervisory Law Enforcement Ranger
BLM / El Centro Field Office
1661 S. 4th Street
El Centro CA 92243
O: 760-337-4400
F: 760-337-4490

Another post in that thread:
"I called the El Centro BLM office which covers everything from Plaster City to Glamis. The BLM officer said no one was being issued citations for using these jugs with screw on caps with hoses. They don't even have a section code to enforce it. It is not illegal to use any type of storage container for fuel. It is only illegal for mfg or retail shops to sell them as fuel containers. This is all an Internet Rumor!"


CARB-compliant cans are what you get when government bureaucrats assume the role of engineers - overly complicated and completely dysfunctional parts that are (of course) mandated. It sounds like BLM and other law enforcement agencies understand how much of a fuel spillage problem there is with CARB-compliant gas cans, in contrast to the perfectly good motorsports and NATO fuel cans.

For those of us with pre-ban fuel cans, I haven't found any law specifically prohibiting us from continuing to use them or requiring us to retrofit them with a CARB-compliant dysfunctional spout. If anyone can cite a law, that would sure be helpful. My daily driver has a NATO can mounted to the tire carrier in full view of police officers and I've never been stopped or questioned. My NATO can has never spilled a drop of fuel, but I've never managed to avoid spilling fuel when using a CARB-compliant can.


Wandering Explorer
You can use non-CARB cans. The law prevents the sale of non-company cans and that's it. No one is going to get a ticket.

Btw, there is a very good reason for the new cans and it is not a desire to micromanage how each of us store and transport fuel. It is a part if a multi-faceted strategy to control smog in a very crowded region that is heavily dependent on automobiles and burdened by lots of air pollution.

Robert Bills

Btw, there is a very good reason for the new cans and it is not a desire to micromanage how each of us store and transport fuel. It is a part if a multi-faceted strategy to control smog in a very crowded region that is heavily dependent on automobiles and burdened by lots of air pollution.

Banning old style spouts that don't leak in favor of poorly designed CARB-approved spouts that consistently leak reduces air pollution how?

Sounds like you drank the AQMD kool aid.


Just got these 2 three gallon Rotopax cans , they look good , can't wait to get them on the trail ...

View attachment 252160

FWIW my new Rotopax cans leaked a tiny bit at altitude. On the Dusy-Ershim trail between 8k and 10k feet, the cans dribbled out a tiny amount of gas. I believe it was the difference in pressure up at the higher altitude. I sealed the cans tightly down at sea level where my house is, and just like a bag of Fritos expands and puffs up at high altitude, the Rotopax expanded a leaked a tiny bit . As soon as I unsealed the gas the leaking stopped ...

Overall I was slightly disappointed as reviews said they were rock solid against leaks, but overall I am still happy with my Rotopax, they have already seen much sun and abuse on subsequent trails, and they have held up well . I havn't tried the CARB spout on them yet , I just pour right into a separate funnel...


FWIW my new Rotopax cans leaked a tiny bit at altitude. On the Dusy-Ershim trail between 8k and 10k feet, the cans dribbled out a tiny amount of gas. I believe it was the difference in pressure up at the higher altitude. I sealed the cans tightly down at sea level where my house is, and just like a bag of Fritos expands and puffs up at high altitude, the Rotopax expanded a leaked a tiny bit . As soon as I unsealed the gas the leaking stopped ...

Overall I was slightly disappointed as reviews said they were rock solid against leaks, but overall I am still happy with my Rotopax, they have already seen much sun and abuse on subsequent trails, and they have held up well . I havn't tried the CARB spout on them yet , I just pour right into a separate funnel...

The great thing about Rotopax is that you can use the caps from any three dollar gas can on them as replacements. Sadly, they'll still leak like a three dollar gas can.

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