Need recommendations for a new charge controller/dc battery charger.
Right now my current setup is a deep cycle battery charging from the alternator through a relay when the engine is on, then switches over to 100W solar using a Renogy 10A charge controller. This has been working fine for a year or two. I just upgraded my aux battery from a deep cycle to a 100Ah Renogy lithium iron and from my reading it sounds like I need to reconfigure my setup.
1. Will the LiFe charge straight from the alternator? I am reading differing opinions on this, some say its fine but the battery will not charge fully, other say it's not safe for the battery. If it can, then all I need to do is replace my solar charge controller with a lithium compatible one and I'm good.
2. If I can't connect direct to alternator, do I need a separate dc/dc charger when using alternator power? It doesn't sound like newer alternators put out enough voltage to effectively charge the battery through the charge controller, so I'd have to isolate the two power sources and have a different controller for each
3. Ideally I'm looking for one controller than can do both. I think the Renogy Voyager 20A should be able to handle the solar part, not sure about the alternator side of it. The Victron Smart Solar MPPT also sounds like it would work, but might be overkill for my needs. 20A charging is more than enough for my needs. One thing about the Victron is I'm not sure if they have the right charge profile for lithium, or maybe I'm just not understanding the datasheets correctly.
Right now my current setup is a deep cycle battery charging from the alternator through a relay when the engine is on, then switches over to 100W solar using a Renogy 10A charge controller. This has been working fine for a year or two. I just upgraded my aux battery from a deep cycle to a 100Ah Renogy lithium iron and from my reading it sounds like I need to reconfigure my setup.
1. Will the LiFe charge straight from the alternator? I am reading differing opinions on this, some say its fine but the battery will not charge fully, other say it's not safe for the battery. If it can, then all I need to do is replace my solar charge controller with a lithium compatible one and I'm good.
2. If I can't connect direct to alternator, do I need a separate dc/dc charger when using alternator power? It doesn't sound like newer alternators put out enough voltage to effectively charge the battery through the charge controller, so I'd have to isolate the two power sources and have a different controller for each
3. Ideally I'm looking for one controller than can do both. I think the Renogy Voyager 20A should be able to handle the solar part, not sure about the alternator side of it. The Victron Smart Solar MPPT also sounds like it would work, but might be overkill for my needs. 20A charging is more than enough for my needs. One thing about the Victron is I'm not sure if they have the right charge profile for lithium, or maybe I'm just not understanding the datasheets correctly.
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