cost wise... the parts that I choked the most on were the RV edge trim pieces.... Oh my !! they were something like $800 for all the pieces.
I am cutting the aluminum with my circular saw with an aluminum blade. I clamp on a guide then lay a strip of puck board (1/8" plastic) on top of the aluminum ... so the saw does not scratch the paint. The saw slides on the plastic and the aluminum is scratch free.
managed to get some work done today
bottom pieces stuck in place... you may notice the little access holes I left to tighten up the turnbuckles inside the truck box
Left one passenger side piece off for now to allow bolting on the fold out counter and fridge slide
used .025 roof aluminum under the cab-over so I could do it in one piece.
then flipped it back upright
The first piece of insulation.. 1 inch EPS between the frame members
loving how easy this VHB tape is to use... .and the videos on youtube about it are amazing
laying out the driver's side wall for tomorrow
then it was off to coach baseball