Couple Updates:
REAR AXLE/Driveline
Started working with a Welder who will Fab up new Spring perches on my replacement axle. This new one is the front of the rear pair of axles in a 6x6 . No not converting to 6x6. This is same thing the US Gov. did back around 2008?? This will bring the rear driveline (which is semi steep) to near Parallel to Chassis rails. Eliminates a weak link the FMTV line of trucks. Have had axle ready to go for over a year now. For more detail see following link, starting around post #40
Expense of building this truck (esp. after unexpected Tranny Failure) ate my planned funds to build a garage (don't even have a carport or Lean-too) so building a rolling tool box. Will be so damn happy to get my tools out of all the nooks and cranny's stored in various tiny sheds. Stowed like that has made my tools not accessible. Is like not owning any..... driving me nuts. A cheap car Tarp tent garage thingy will be the Awning/Enclosed space to work under. Will somehow attach this to roll out from side of Ambo Box like an RV Awning.
After looking for the right deal for over a year finally got a Tandem Axle trailer used 17' flat bed trailer. Deck above wheels (not low boy). Had to be that to fit an 8' box on the top. OK price sorta.. needs 4 new tires.... and axle's rims are obsolete.... easy fix..... just more $$$. For something that wont be on the road much..... think I'll just go with semi hard to find obsolete tires to go with Obsolete rims. Comes out more expensive in long run....... mayyyyyybe....... but it is what it is.
Was going to mount to this trailer my already owned Cargo box of back off a 1990's era moving truck..... or one from back of another truck (which ever cheaper to get mounted on trailer) and in process found.. ANOTHER AMBULANCE BOX..... 14foot. Pre-wired for a Generator.. fully shelved with more space to stuff tools than the White House basement. And it is cheaper in the long run than a cargo box. So in a few weeks that will get mounted to trailer. Then can slowly start packing it with my gear.
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Plated truck in Vermont. VT does not need a title for a truck this old to register it. In most states you need title to get registration and plates. Seller and I turned in the original title to Missouri DMV when I bought it to start process of converting ownership to me. Normal procedure right. Well been fighting MO ever since. They've been holding my title ransom for almost two years. They want me to take time off work and drive all the way from Southern OH back to MO where I bought if from, to get a third inspection. This time to verify Vin Numbers (they did that already once in another inspection). They pulled this...... "you need to get another "Required inspection" three different times now over the last nearly two years. Each inspection slightly different than the previous. Each time AFTER they held up the title and you call them a million times before they say...... "oh...... well its held up cause you need "inspection X" to finish the process". Granted this 2 year time span is also due to having the tranny rebuilt SLOWLY in order to get best of cost for parts and labor (shop doing the work when they are slow) and cause the seller works outside MO most of the year. Thus even if wanted too there was no rushing it. You see, only the seller could deal with MO DMV cause it was not yet titled fully in my name. He helped all he could. Even flew in and drove the truck back to MO to help out once. Hell of a guy. Just life put his help in the slow lane.
Will convert to my states registration after VT ones get here. My state and all others HAVE to accept the VT registration as proof of ownership by Federal Law since they VT is a no title state after a certain age. Stopped by Post office twice a day all week long to see if if new plates have arrived.. Not yet...... GRRRR they are closed today (Veteran's Day). Hopefully tomorrow Anyway..... when get new registration and plates locally this process will also create a new title. Will wait till get the Yellow Ambo Box pictured earlier in this thread installed before Reg and plating in OH. This way when I change over to OH it will get titled as an RV. Will cut insurance cost way down.
Working 6 days a week is keeping this $lowly moving along. Even if I got loan$ and did it fa$t and got her done quicker would still have to work 6 days maybe 7 to pay for it which would not let me enjoy it so in a round about way it is working out to being on a slow path to hell.