..... unfortunately while leaving cab in the shop tilted up over night (in Dec.)...... the windshield decide to start slipping out.. grrrr....
Windshield reinstalled.
First try could not find anyone local to install when calling windshield places. All of them were windshield franchises whom were using barely trained monkeys to install glue in windshields and not much of anyone that new how to install a less modern type. Thus after dozen calls..... found no one willing or able to do it. Put it off until now since it was holding as it was. This time contacted body shops and got a recommendation of real windsheild company. Whew what a reliefe to find someone whom knew what they were doing. It installs similar to a VW bug for god sakes.
Had it removed Thursday with intent to paint prep rust in area Friday then reinstalled Friday evening. So of course it rained Friday. Did all prep and paint Sat. Today Monday he came back and installed.
Couple notes. The rubber gasket design not to great (or cab lip sucks) thus at bottom of windshield the gasket tends to try to lift off the lip inside the cab. CHECK YOURS if you have an FMTV. Mine was off on inside bottom and I never new it till removed defrost diffuser. Last pic is what gasket should look like inside, if you can see your bodies lip here instead.. you need to re-do your windshield.
Installer recommended some brackets on out side every 6 to 8" on exterior of cab at just below bottom of windshield to put slight pressure on rubber gasket to help maintain its seating. Asked about similar on inside to keep the gasket from lifting upward off lip and he liked that concept. It was not condition of gasket.. It is a design of gasket issue.. Last pic is where the inner bracket would be installed to push downward on that rubber so gasket does not climb upward off the lip.
Over all cost was very reasonable. Was able to reuse old gasket. Did not replace windshield... it has an old wiper scratch .. but am not making a princess pony cart so Im fine with that.
first pic is the initial pop out. started mid glass on bottom and ran all the way to right corner pictured. corner is where it was out most. From there it ran up to almost the top right corner. Second pic is after re-done.