"Lola" - WreckDiver1321's 2005 Frontier CC/SB Nismo Build and Adventure Thread


Expedition Leader
Nice to see you back and glad things are moving along well. Congrats on the job and yes the ARB sounds like a no brainier at that price point, may even be able to negotiate it down another $50-100 with cash in hand.


So, update!

I got a hold of the guy selling the bumper on CL. I went down to check it out, and sure enough it was a brand new ARB with all the parts for nearly half the retail price. The guy actually runs a Nissan shop, so he told me he could install it for me for $200. So I did the unthinkable... I paid him to install my bumper. He said he'd have it done today, and all for around four hundred less than it would have cost me to buy one and have it shipped. I'm a happy camper.

Here's my shot of it for Instagram. More/better pics tomorrow.



That is sweet man! Now you got me thinking... If that guy just happens to have another one lying around maybe send me a message sometime! Great look though. Have you felt any nose dive during braking or did you have heavier rated spring put in up front?


New ARB bullbar

Thanks guys!

Dmski, I don't feel any difference during hard turns or barking. Feels exactly the same. It should be noted though that I am driving a Nismo truck, which has higher rated springs and stiffer shocks than a base model.

So, as promised, more pics!

I'm super happy with this bumper. It just looks awesome on there without being ostentatious. One of my favorite things is the fact that I can have the license plate mounted on there without it covering up the winch opening.

The guys who installed it didn't quite trim the factory plastic the way it's normally done, but you really hace to look at it to see it, and it doesn't really bother me. You can see the gap left between the body and the bumper.

It's not bad, and you really don't see it unless you're looking right at it. So I'm happy. The only other thing I didn't like about their installation was the fact that they removed the factory tow hook. That being said, the bolts that came with the bumper weren't long enough to keep it on, so I'll just get some longer bolts and reinstall it.

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Cobra CB radio and Firestik antenna install

Then I got the modding itch and decided it was time for some comms. I really like the look of the bumper mounted fiberglass antennas for some reason, so I got myself an antenna and a CB radio. They are both installed and the radio is wired in, but I'm still working on how to run the cable from the antenna to the radio. I can't seem to find a good place to put a grommet, and I can't find a facorty one that will work for me. I've got some online research to do.

Don't ask me why, but I really like that bright red antenna on there.

I installed the CB in the most out of the way spot I could manage that was still easily accessible. A lot of people like to put them in the center console, but I'm not willing to lose the storage space and I wanted the radio to be easier to access.

I simply put in an add-a-circuit to install the radio. This is the only accessory that I will do this with. Everything else will be done with accessory fuse boxes for a cleaner install.

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Always been a fan of the CB/HAM on the front bumpers so I feel ya there. I'm paying with an install location for my CB as well and that is an easy, simple spot you chose. I'm also considering in front of the shifter in that blank space ash tray spot. Gotta just make up my mind and do it.


Looks really good, the ARB bumpers always have that perfect fit. Let us know how you like that CB, I go back and forth about buying one.


Always been a fan of the CB/HAM on the front bumpers so I feel ya there. I'm paying with an install location for my CB as well and that is an easy, simple spot you chose. I'm also considering in front of the shifter in that blank space ash tray spot. Gotta just make up my mind and do it.

That little blank space is a great place to put the radio, but since I have a Nismo I don't have that option haha.

The center console is a popular install location too, but I never liked that one. Seems like it would muffle the speaker and you lose a lot of space. The one other place I've seen it done is right above the stereo, but I wouldn't like having the coiled handset cable hanging down over the stereo. So where I put it seemed like the most logical to me. Totally out of the way, even for someone in the passenger seat.

A couple of helpful hints:

There is a bolt that you can use to ground the radio just to the right of the transmission tunnel. It's just below the lower glove box.

If you get the very inexpensive Cobra 19 Ultra III ($35!), when you turn the radio on it lights up the exact same color orange as the rest of the dash lights! :D


Looks really good, the ARB bumpers always have that perfect fit. Let us know how you like that CB, I go back and forth about buying one.

Thanks man! I love the way the lines flow with the truck. Just looks right.

I've had three of these radios in the past, and the performance is great, especially for the price tag. In trail situations, they are incredibly handy. My wheeling friends all have them in their trucks, and it's nice to not have to worry about battery powered units. Don't expect to get great range out of them, especially if you mount the antenna somewhere there isn't a good ground plane, like on your bumper. :D But they are fantastic for short range communication between trucks.


Thanks man! I love the way the lines flow with the truck. Just looks right.

I've had three of these radios in the past, and the performance is great, especially for the price tag. In trail situations, they are incredibly handy. My wheeling friends all have them in their trucks, and it's nice to not have to worry about battery powered units. Don't expect to get great range out of them, especially if you mount the antenna somewhere there isn't a good ground plane, like on your bumper. :D But they are fantastic for short range communication between trucks.

Looks so good.. makes me SO sad!


Nice ... I'm also a fan of the bumper mounted fiberglass antennas ... though, for Xterras I think a no-hoop bumper (specifically, I'm a fan of the Shrockworks' lines) works quite a bit better with the look of the vehicle. The ARB works so much better on that body Frontier, than on the Xterra, for whatever reason ...

I put my CB in the same spot, but on the driver's side ... I already had my Mag-Lite mounted in the spot your CB is. Another good radio to look at is Midland 1001LWX ... same form factor (compact), but adds weather to the Cobra's standard features. There's also the Cobra 75 WX ST ... but I'm not a fan of having all (or at least most) of the radio gear in the handset. I went with a full-frame radio (really wanted weather functionality and that Midland wasn't out when I purchased), and in retrospect kind-of wish I had tried harder to stick with a compact unit ... in our trucks there's just not enough room to cleanly mount a full-frame unit. Here's the one I have: http://www.rightchannelradios.com/uniden-bearcat-pro-538w-cb-radio.html

Right Channel Radios is great on selection and customer service (and tech info), but not always the cheapest ... I've just used them for the links here because I know their site, and knew what I was looking for ... some diligent shopping around can turn up better deals if you know what you're looking for.

As far as the grommet, what are you having trouble with? Is it the size of the PL259 connector? ... if so, consider looking into an SMA terminated cable and using a PL259 adapter, that may make it *much* easier to run the cable ... either that or a "solder yourself" connector. I don't know if the Frontier is the same as the X, but there's a really easy to access factory grommet on the driver's side firewall ... drops down in a really convenient place in the footwell, too. That's what I used for my antenna wire ... there's an equivalent on on the passenger side, but it's harder to access on the engine-bay side because of all the fuse/breaker/relay boxes.

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