I stripped the canopy of the windows, roof rack, and stickers yesterday to take it to the paint shop.
As you can see, it's totally stripped... except for the back door. Unfortunately, that is held on by a couple of rivets that are fiberglassed in on either side. So I couldn't take that out. But, when I took it to the shop the guy said it would be no problem, he'd just mask it and it'd turn out just fine. He's sticking to the price quote he gave me, so I'm pretty happy about it all told. If you're ever looking to save some cash by finding and repainting a used canopy, I highly recommend doing this part yourself. It should save you a little bit of money by making life easier on the guys at the paint shop, and it is actually really easy to do. Just remove the bolts from the inside, making sure to keep each side's bolts in their own little baggie, pull the inside frames out, then use a rubber mallet to gently break the seal against the outside and pull the windows out. Just be sure not to leave any of the gasket behind and you'll be just fine. I'm very excited to see this come together in the right color. Should be done by the end of the week!
Also, I plan on getting the roof rack parts stripped and painted tomorrow. I also received a cargo net I ordered for the canopy. Should work well to keep light items up high. And, I've already sold my Yakima roof racks to a friend of mine. The whole canopy project seems to be well on track!