"Lola" - WreckDiver1321's 2005 Frontier CC/SB Nismo Build and Adventure Thread


I'm not a fan ... at least of the red version. I do like the idea of a soft mud/splash guard, though ... and the idea of red accents. Also, I know some of that kind of material can be had in bulk, so might be worth looking into making your own; unless there's something about the Rally Armor ones that you are particularly drawn to ... as I recall they're pretty spendy for what they are.

On the tow-hook note, check these out: http://www.thenewx.org/forum/showthread.php?t=151818 ... bolt-on front recovery brackets made by RockyMtnX on NewX - not the HD winch carrier that he's been making for a while, but a new product. Meant to bolt into the tow-hook mounts, but provide a place for a standard D/Bow Shackle to attach. Specifically for bumpers (like stock or ARB) that don't have integral shackle mounts ... and appropriately beefcake.


I'm not a fan ... at least of the red version. I do like the idea of a soft mud/splash guard, though ... and the idea of red accents. Also, I know some of that kind of material can be had in bulk, so might be worth looking into making your own; unless there's something about the Rally Armor ones that you are particularly drawn to ... as I recall they're pretty spendy for what they are.

On the tow-hook note, check these out: http://www.thenewx.org/forum/showthread.php?t=151818 ... bolt-on front recovery brackets made by RockyMtnX on NewX - not the HD winch carrier that he's been making for a while, but a new product. Meant to bolt into the tow-hook mounts, but provide a place for a standard D/Bow Shackle to attach. Specifically for bumpers (like stock or ARB) that don't have integral shackle mounts ... and appropriately beefcake.

Any ideas of where to get the material?

Thank you for that link! I've been needing a set of those. I'll have to sign up for TNX and get a set ordered.


New member
How much cutting on the trim piece under the lights did they have to do to get the front bumper on? Mine has the full shroud, but it was busted up by a deer's head, and I'm thinking of buying the shroud that goes with the chrome bumper you used to have. Thinking about buying it unfinished, cutting it to size, if needed, and then having it linex'd or something of the like.


You could see about McMaster Carr (www.mcmaster.com) ... I'm sure they'd have something (heavy duty exterior grade rubber sheet) that would work, but you may need to spend some time digging around if you don't know exactly the type of material or detail about what you'd need - also, since you'd be looking at trying to get a smaller quantity, it may not be worth it. There are other industrial supply places that would let you order smaller quantities, as well.

Alternatively, you could look at repurposing some generic rubber truck flaps ... like from your local auto store, or even a truck stop. I'm recalling a few folks who have done similar, over on TNX ...

Just be careful, if you go with longer ones, that you check to see if they can be sucked under the contact patch when/if reversing. If that's the case, you may need to get/make a back-stay (forgive the terminology, if incorrect ... it's the best I could do to put a name on it) - effectively something (simple wire running at some non-vertical angle back to the body aft of the flap) to keep the bottom edge from pulling under the tire.


How much cutting on the trim piece under the lights did they have to do to get the front bumper on? Mine has the full shroud, but it was busted up by a deer's head, and I'm thinking of buying the shroud that goes with the chrome bumper you used to have. Thinking about buying it unfinished, cutting it to size, if needed, and then having it linex'd or something of the like.

They had to do quite a bit of cutting. It's not necessarily a difficult job to do, but it's got to be done.

You could see about McMaster Carr (www.mcmaster.com) ... I'm sure they'd have something (heavy duty exterior grade rubber sheet) that would work, but you may need to spend some time digging around if you don't know exactly the type of material or detail about what you'd need - also, since you'd be looking at trying to get a smaller quantity, it may not be worth it. There are other industrial supply places that would let you order smaller quantities, as well.

Alternatively, you could look at repurposing some generic rubber truck flaps ... like from your local auto store, or even a truck stop. I'm recalling a few folks who have done similar, over on TNX ...

Just be careful, if you go with longer ones, that you check to see if they can be sucked under the contact patch when/if reversing. If that's the case, you may need to get/make a back-stay (forgive the terminology, if incorrect ... it's the best I could do to put a name on it) - effectively something (simple wire running at some non-vertical angle back to the body aft of the flap) to keep the bottom edge from pulling under the tire.

Good info all around, thanks!

Still not sure if I'll be going with red mudflaps or not. Hmm....
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I say go for it, not every expo rig has to be monochromatic, nor one that appearances aren't cared for, and the Rallyarmor flaps are well known to be solid stuff. I think it would make the truck look more "Dakar" like. Generally, I think a primary color with hints of the secondary in the accessories is a good aesthetic choice. Plus with a truck as new as yours, you'll want to keep the paint on as long as possible. :sombrero:


I say go for it, not every expo rig has to be monochromatic, nor one that appearances aren't cared for, and the Rallyarmor flaps are well known to be solid stuff. I think it would make the truck look more "Dakar" like. Generally, I think a primary color with hints of the secondary in the accessories is a good aesthetic choice. Plus with a truck as new as yours, you'll want to keep the paint on as long as possible. :sombrero:

I love your reasoning here!

The precise reason I wanted the larger mud flaps was to give it a bit of rally flair. The little splashes of red on the mud flaps should make it stand out a bit without being obnoxious or ridiculous looking.


Dr. Frankenstein
I am as well. I was looking at the LightForce 240s, but was swayed by the price and altogether great reviews I had read on the Hella 4000s. I spent a lot of time over on candlepowerforums.com asking for opinions and reading past information. I really doubt my Hellas will have the range your LFs do; mine are a driving beam and a spread beam. But I get double my high beam range with the driving beam and a stupid amount of side to side illumination from the spread beam. That's more than enough for me!

I would agree with that. Leaning more towards the red all the time.

You say that now...but wait till you see all of my lights on...haha


I love your reasoning here!

The precise reason I wanted the larger mud flaps was to give it a bit of rally flair. The little splashes of red on the mud flaps should make it stand out a bit without being obnoxious or ridiculous looking.

Yup, I think it's time to pry open that wallet. ;) I'm curious how they look, as I've noticed the amount of rock chipping on the pathy from not having any flaps is concerning.


Been a while since I last checked back with your build and all I can say is excellent work. The lights, wiring and topper are all great additions. Looking like a classic D40 from Australia now!

If you could do those mud flaps in black, I say go for it. I made my own and the amount of debri it knocks down and away from the sliders and chassis is great. Plus I don't spew snow at people in the winter off the back tires. They don't break either when offroad which is nice since they are pliable but I find most people don't like the look of them but I tend to like it.

Next up should be your hot water shower!


Been a while since I last checked back with your build and all I can say is excellent work. The lights, wiring and topper are all great additions. Looking like a classic D40 from Australia now!

If you could do those mud flaps in black, I say go for it. I made my own and the amount of debri it knocks down and away from the sliders and chassis is great. Plus I don't spew snow at people in the winter off the back tires. They don't break either when offroad which is nice since they are pliable but I find most people don't like the look of them but I tend to like it.

Next up should be your hot water shower!

Thanks man! It's been a bunch of work, but it's all been worth it. I'm nearing a state where I can almost call it nearly done haha.

Haha there is definitely an interesting thing going on with the red mud flaps. Half the people I ask just hate them, the other half really likes the idea. But those are being put on hold for now. Thanks to skibum I found a guy making front recovery hooks that I'll be buying, and they cost about the same as the mud flaps. So I'll be doing those instead!

Shower is a ways off yet haha. Haven't even decided for sure if I need it.


Expedition Leader
I think the color accent with your truck will look nice. Have you looked at Jaos mud flaps vs the Rally Armor? The Jaos have a strap on them to pull them up and out of the way for off roading. I've ripped more than one mud flap off in my life backing up an incline and driving up onto the mud flap.
Looking skookum BTW. Got me thinking about a 2nd gen.


I think the color accent with your truck will look nice. Have you looked at Jaos mud flaps vs the Rally Armor? The Jaos have a strap on them to pull them up and out of the way for off roading. I've ripped more than one mud flap off in my life backing up an incline and driving up onto the mud flap.
Looking skookum BTW. Got me thinking about a 2nd gen.

Holy crap! You're still alive! :D

I had never heard of them, and just looked them up. Holy hell. $200 for a set of mud flaps? They're cool, but that's a bit much I think. Besides, I may have found a better alternative to the bright red. RallyArmor sells a black mud flap with their logo in red. If I wanted to try out a red mud flap for cheap, Sparco sells them for like $20/pair. So I might do that to try them out. I'm not sure yet. As for driving over them, I'll be trying to keep the flaps short enough that it shouldn't be much of a problem. I think. I hope.

Thanks Co-opski! I'm loving where it's at right now. I've just recently realized how close I am to actually being done. Makes me happy. :)

Go for it! Prices are getting more reasonable all the time. They are an unbelievable improvement over the first gens. I just rode in a first gen Xterra a few days ago, and it was a bit of a shock realizing they shared the same badge as the new ones.


Been looking at info over on TNX and have decided I need to increase the effectiveness of my transmission cooling system. I'll be adding a second trans cooler as well as adding a fan with an in-line thermostatic switch for added cooling capacity. This should keep the trans fluid nice and cool when I'm in the rough stuff.

Already ordered the fan and thermostatic switch. Just need to go pick the cooler up from the local AutoZone. God I hate going in there.
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