Nice ... I'm also a fan of the bumper mounted fiberglass antennas ... though, for Xterras I think a no-hoop bumper (specifically, I'm a fan of the Shrockworks' lines) works quite a bit better with the look of the vehicle. The ARB works so much better on that body Frontier, than on the Xterra, for whatever reason ...
I put my CB in the same spot, but on the driver's side ... I already had my Mag-Lite mounted in the spot your CB is. Another good radio to look at is Midland 1001LWX ... same form factor (compact), but adds weather to the Cobra's standard features. There's also the Cobra 75 WX ST ... but I'm not a fan of having all (or at least most) of the radio gear in the handset. I went with a full-frame radio (really wanted weather functionality and that Midland wasn't out when I purchased), and in retrospect kind-of wish I had tried harder to stick with a compact unit ... in our trucks there's just not enough room to cleanly mount a full-frame unit. Here's the one I have: http://www.rightchannelradios.com/uniden-bearcat-pro-538w-cb-radio.html
Right Channel Radios is great on selection and customer service (and tech info), but not always the cheapest ... I've just used them for the links here because I know their site, and knew what I was looking for ... some diligent shopping around can turn up better deals if you know what you're looking for.
As far as the grommet, what are you having trouble with? Is it the size of the PL259 connector? ... if so, consider looking into an SMA terminated cable and using a PL259 adapter, that may make it *much* easier to run the cable ... either that or a "solder yourself" connector. I don't know if the Frontier is the same as the X, but there's a really easy to access factory grommet on the driver's side firewall ... drops down in a really convenient place in the footwell, too. That's what I used for my antenna wire ... there's an equivalent on on the passenger side, but it's harder to access on the engine-bay side because of all the fuse/breaker/relay boxes.
I'd tend to agree with you, it just looks right at home.
I did look at the Midland but to be honest I bought the Cobra because it was in stock at Wal Mart
Thanks for the link, didn't know about them!
I've actually got the wiring deal figured out now. There's a rubber plug a couple inches to the left of the big grommet you just mentioned, and I think I'll be routing all my accessory wiring through that hole. It's in a good spot and should look pretty clean when I have everything done. As for the cable, I found a pretty sweet one at a local truck stop. It's made by K40, the same folks who make the nice mag mount antennas, and it has a removeable PL259 on one end so the hole doesn't need to be so large. They also put a nice siicone boot around the antenna end to keep the dust and water out. The only thing I don't like is the fact that the cable is kind of a light gray. But oh well, the good outweighs the bad.
Which brings me to my next topic of discussion...
Is a dual battery system really necessary? I mean, the peace of mind of a second battery is nice, but it's a rather expensive and painstaking system to install. I'd have to buy a dual bettery tray (~$200), move my power steering reservoir, buy a couple of high performance batteries (~$500), get the dual battery kit (~$350), then install the kit. Plus there's the added weight up front from the two heavy batteries. And then I'd have to route the battery controller to the inside of the cab. That's a lot of work, and around a thousand bucks for a dual battery system, and I haven't even got my accessory wiring handled yet!
And when I think about it, my electrical mods won't be putting that much of a strain on the system. The only thing I can think of that would potentially put a strain on the battery is the winch, but it's not like I'd be using the winch without the truck running. That and the fridge, but fridges like the ARB and Dometic use such a small amount of power these days I don't see that being a big problem. It's not like I'm going to be putting a huge strain on the system by running everything at once or running everything with the truck off.
So why not keep the weight low? Why not just find the biggest, baddest Odyssey or Die Hard that I can stuff under the hood, carry a jump start pack, and call it a day? Saves me money, weight, time, and space under the hood. Plus this would mean I wouldn't need to worry about getting the second battery put in before I start on the accessory wiring. I read somewhere about a large Odyssey that people use when they don't want dual batteries. Trying to find that now.
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