Looking for my first camera.


lost on the mainland
yeah the printer thing is tough ? cause at the same time places like Mpix can get you prints in a few days and do metalics and stuff ? and nothing to mess with :)
I think any large printer like 24 inch or wider you have to be selling enough to compensate or just be happy with nice toys :)

I switched partly cause of the dynamic range the nikons were getting vs canon the MKIII is nice but the D600 IMHO beats it pretty easy and one of my buds is all nikon and I was doing some work with him so easy to borrow or swap gear with each other :) and just to change things up :)

I started out with voigtlander then in 1980 went canon then in 1990 went nikon and also shot with nikonos for years doing underwater work and in 2001 or so got into the 1D series and changed so this latest change was kinda tough ? cause I had about 7 nice L glass lens including some primes getting the OMD really made me love shooting again for fun and not having a heavy work camera was a nice change and the D600 was light and also used SD cards like the OMD so I did not have to buy more larger CF


Photographer in the Wild
canon the MKIII is nice but the D600 IMHO beats it pretty easy
No kidding? I would have never guessed that one. I have friends who shoot Canon that are pretty hardcore believers in Canon. Did you have any problems with the dust issues? I have actually been thinking of going to an older FF body just for the FPS advantage over the 600 and 800. You would have thought that one or the other of the 2 would have had at least a 8fps rate but both failed to deliver on that. I D4 for me would be nice for my wildlife shots but the cost is way out of my league. For the most part I have found ways around the shortcomings of my current system. Once in a while the light hurts me but it is not that often. I definitely could use 2 FF cameras in the bag but then i am looking at 10g's in cameras alone.

Speaking of Nikon, watched man of steel today. Nikon got a heck of a spot in there with the D3s and 24-70, although they show the 24-70 working as a much longer lens lol.

The switch would have been tough I am sure. with that much L glass, it also probably made it a costly one lol. Being a rather large guy I do not notice the weight of the cameras to much. I usually have both of them on my shoulders to keep from having to make to many lens changes in the field. I am going to do a little looking at the new NX and a couple of others but I don't know if I would use it more or not. I know I do not use my wife's P7100 but rather grab the D7000 before I head out.

I need to step up my game a little. I have spent so much time in what I call Learning mode that many that I have mentored are kickin my butt in marketing their work. My excuse has always been that I wanted to be knowledgeable before hanging my shingle so to speak. Now in some ways I am playing catch up...

Anyways I am off to the beach. The moon is going to break the horizon shortly


lost on the mainland
yeah massive dust issues first 3000 or so frames and pretty much is down to normal after that

I should state where I think the D600 beats it easy :) is in recovery of shadow detail etc.. meaning the raw for sure has a better dynamic range and color depth to work with
so purely from a more workable file is maybe one way to say it ? while I try to hit stuff with exposure there are times I shoot knowing I can pull or push things back where I want

and the MKIII is no slouch :) never meant it that way :) to me canon or nikon both have a look to the file like film had a look to it
back in film days being from the islands I like Kodak Lumiere film a lot it was a slide film that leaned toward blues like Velvia leaned toward greens

I dont like nikon files out of LR as much as I do C1 either :) canon files are good to go out of LR

and really I would never say for the final images one camera is better than the other cause the canon has some cool things going for it with the new 600 flash units and stuff and I shot canon love canon :)
also the 1DX and the D4 have just flat out insane high iso files !!! and have worked with a few dif photographers files who shoot those :) they are impressive cameras

in the past I always owned 2 1 series and 1 of the s series so the original 1D I had two and a 1Ds !! talk about $$$$
so the MKII and the s model MKII
about the time of the 5D the need for a higher end body to do more advertising work or for my work at least came to a meeting point I did not need two styles of bodies
these days also the D600 as example has a touch better noise control than the D800 and I got it for shooting in lower light but the D800 has more resolution so in good light the D800 wins but again so close ? I dont need to go over 24 MP really

also what and how I shoot has changed over time and I am in the change mode again :)


Photographer in the Wild
I think we are always in change mode in some ways. I recently noticed a huge change in how I was editing and even the selections of shots I was taking.

I used to use a lot of Kodak film. I kick myself in the butt now because I was in serious learn mode back then and money always seemed tight. I bet I have 30 rolls of film never even got developed. No good now but I sure wish I had seen what I accomplished with them.

Nikon NEF are ok with simple tweaks. I actually have the old Capture NX2 software and while it was pretty dang awesome for getting stuff done right away LR definitely needs a few tweaks.
Anyways Turtles and a moon rise are calling my name. Will follow up tomorrow morning.


The Polaroid 600 film for my One Step is too expensive. I can borrow the companies Nikon D50 with a 18-55 lens. What do you think? Is the D50 any good?

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