Looking for the most efficient solar panel


Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
Have you investigated solar blankets. Although generally not as effective as "hard" panels, these blankets have excellent efficiency.



Makes more sense to get a bunch of the light flexible panels, join them at the edges so you can fold them into a compact space, and wire them for high voltage. You can then deploy them on the ground and far from your rig easily. May wish to make some legs to angle them for winter use. I rigid plastic or fiberglass strip with a hinge should suffice.

As far as I know, the flexible panels are still not long lasting, but using them like this makes them a lot easy to replace, than if they are glued to the roof! This is what I'd do, if I needed/wanted lots of energy.

I know I'm weird, but I can't find the motivation to mount panels on my rig anywhere.

-The top is going to be hitting tree branches all the time
-Light flexible panels don't last, and glass/metal ones are heavy.
-You have to park in the sun for them to work.
-I don't need a lot of energy.

Currently have a 100W and 200W (really 150W!) folding glass/metal panels rewired for 24V and on long wires that I can place wherever I like. I might get an alternator charger too, so I can charge while driving.

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