For those interested, as an officer in the military, I can tell you that we would not use these trucks for anything. They would not serve a solid purpose for us.
As for the Hilux itself, I do not know, but look at these things. What in the heck would we need a rack on the roof for? We do not carry stuff up there for any reason. Second, look at the gun case on the back of the truck. That is firstly a gun case, we carry our weapons in hand or in a rack next to our seats, and second it is a ghetto flimsy thing, you should see the cases we ship our weapons in, they are huge, and much much more sturdy. Lastly we do not carry spare tires. If there is ever going to be a time in which we would need one, with those bead-locks, we will drive on the rim first and change the tire at the FOB. Lastly there is a LOT of metal up high, and that can only serve to get a guy killed by rolling his vehicle at high speeds.
Sorry conspiracy folks. My speculation is that these are built for a safari that some private civilian organization is going to take. OH, the black nozzle near the rear driver's side looks like a gas tank to me, for natural gas, or perhaps propane, I have seen them before and that is what they look like. I assume the vehicle is set to run duel fuel? The first set I would assume are going to be a security vehicle in the oil fields or in the mines, that mount on top is WAY too flimsy to mount more than a 22 rifle to it, it screams out Yellow Light mount to me, someone who is even too cheap to put on a light bar.
Not to be a kill joy or anything...
