Looky what I spotted on the highway near Reno, NV!


Come on America! Whats the deal with no small diesels?! You have all these highschool kids with oversized lifted full size trucks with the injectors cranked, dumping black clouds in traffic! I guess people really frown upon diesel vehicles because of this image...



I think I figured out what these are being used for :D



New member
Maybe this is dumb, but did it cross anyone's mind that these might be for movies? Just seemed like a pretty plausible explanation that wasn't brought up.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
Maybe this is dumb, but did it cross anyone's mind that these might be for movies? Just seemed like a pretty plausible explanation that wasn't brought up.

Good idea. But I think somebody on here got a chance to see them in person and said they were the real thing.


rigwelderstaco;585412 Actually they do. Both of these pics are of American Special Forces in Afghanistan. And I also met a guy while I was in dive school said:
Couple years ago you can see some very pretty the same trucks near Fort Bragg and people in uniform drive them ( not local police or just hunters)

, so use or not use or conspiracy any SF OR GA will joy to use that trucks .:victory:



As another officer in the military I can assure you these vehicles are being used in the CENTCOM AOR today and have been for the last several years. For many of the reasons cited above and to ease logistics - maintaining these already uber-reliable vehicles when you're already subsisting off the local economy for long periods of time increases mission availability.

Carry on smartly Brian... :D

As an enlisted soldier, who served at FOB Salerno last year as an OEF soldier....not ISAF for you military folk. Those ARE 100% going to spec ops. They are everywhere. Salerno is the major hub for SF and Rangers for Eastern Afghanistan. Trust me......."most" officers wouldn't know what is being used outside the wire......:)


For those interested, as an officer in the military, I can tell you that we would not use these trucks for anything. They would not serve a solid purpose for us.

As for the Hilux itself, I do not know, but look at these things. What in the heck would we need a rack on the roof for? We do not carry stuff up there for any reason. Second, look at the gun case on the back of the truck. That is firstly a gun case, we carry our weapons in hand or in a rack next to our seats, and second it is a ghetto flimsy thing, you should see the cases we ship our weapons in, they are huge, and much much more sturdy. Lastly we do not carry spare tires. If there is ever going to be a time in which we would need one, with those bead-locks, we will drive on the rim first and change the tire at the FOB. Lastly there is a LOT of metal up high, and that can only serve to get a guy killed by rolling his vehicle at high speeds.

Sorry conspiracy folks. My speculation is that these are built for a safari that some private civilian organization is going to take. OH, the black nozzle near the rear driver's side looks like a gas tank to me, for natural gas, or perhaps propane, I have seen them before and that is what they look like. I assume the vehicle is set to run duel fuel? The first set I would assume are going to be a security vehicle in the oil fields or in the mines, that mount on top is WAY too flimsy to mount more than a 22 rifle to it, it screams out Yellow Light mount to me, someone who is even too cheap to put on a light bar.

Not to be a kill joy or anything... :eek:

One more thing.....As far as the spare tire comment goes, there is no way you have ever been outside the wire! Jeez! I can tell you right now that there is no way in hell we would have ever drove on a flat. Try being in the middle of Khost and cruising around on a flat, or being in the KG pass and making through on a flat.... It would NEVER happen!


American Adventurist
As an enlisted soldier, who served at FOB Salerno last year as an OEF soldier....not ISAF for you military folk. Those ARE 100% going to spec ops. They are everywhere. Salerno is the major hub for SF and Rangers for Eastern Afghanistan. Trust me......."most" officers wouldn't know what is being used outside the wire......:)

Thanks for letting us know, a month after the first post, that you are the only one who's served there. OBTW, for most of us, this isn't our first dance, sport. ;-) Meritorious atta-boy Joker...


Thornton Melon's Kid
I was going to guess that they might have been for Blackwater, er, Xe.

I will still take one.


You guys have this all wrong they've all been coming to me! I've got 37 now and not a thousand miles between em :)

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