Love Boat build!

Two years ago I had been invited to a trip and only had some hours to build a rack:

View attachment 345532

I also added a hatch, so we can use it as a table:

View attachment 345533

After two years now I'm still very happy with the solution. Maybe one day I'll replace the wooden bars by aluminium ones .. for the cooler look


Thanks screwball48! I believe I found what I'm going to use.

I really like your setup Markus. Especially with the Little tailgate table. Very efficient.
I'll post some pics soon of my plan. :)
Well doesn't look like the ol girl will be ready for a trial run this weekend. :( I went to get a storage policy for it and get everything covered incase something happens and it turns out because of the "extensive mods" I've done it now has to go through a vehicle inspection and stuff :( the up side is that once all this is done everything that is bolted to the jeep and needs a tool to be removed will be covered under my insurance. So worst case scenario if we get in an accident and the jeeps a right off we get everything back!! :) just have to keep pluggin away I guess.
Also figured out what I'm doing with the rack on top of the kitchen!!
I filled the gaps at each end with some cedar lath
And I'm going to use the receiver hitch piece to made a trail vice!
I also got the cowl cold air intake done and started the dual battery set up.
New location for the cpu. I'll have to bend something up


I've enjoyed your thread. What's your take on the sound change from the cowl air intake? I'm thinking about doing it myself but don't want to do so if it's too loud. I'm curious what you think.
Looking good. Did you track down one of the battery trays from a Euro spec diesel or just find one that fits?
Lol I really didn't want to fork out the cash for a new one but in the end I probably should have. Trying to find a used one was like tracking down the fabled unicorn or the leprechaun at the end of the friggin rainbow!!! After 3 weeks of junkyards, online searches and asking 4x4 club forums I finally found one. When I went to pick it up he ended up not actually having one. It was broken in his spare jeep. So he gave me his out of his DD and bungy strapped his battery back in place. Lol gotta love people that stick to their word!!! :)
I've enjoyed your thread. What's your take on the sound change from the cowl air intake? I'm thinking about doing it myself but don't want to do so if it's too loud. I'm curious what you think.
Thanks guys! It's been fun documenting this build.
The cowl intake is a bit loud at idle if everything is quiet and it whistles a bit on hard exceleration but!!!..... If you turn your radio on you don't notice it and while driving you'll notice that there is a point where it whistles and a point where it doesn't. So with a little bit of driving I've figured out the sweet spot where it doesn't whistle and honestly it makes me drive a little more conservatively which is great with today's gas prices. And really it's a lot quieter then all my friends turbo deisels.
The vice is genius
Thanks!!! It will definitely be a useful trail tool. Lol as much as I'm not looking forward to my next ujoint fix on the trail at least it'll be a bit easier! I was thinking about maybe making an aluminum table that I can clamp to it but I think it'll just be in the way.
I finished installing the rack. Instead of drilling holes and using nuts and bolts I opted for lepage No More Nails double sided tape. Good for 50kg supposedly!!! I can say that that **** is crazy!!
The water jug is a temporary fresh water solution. I might get a footwell tank to go behind the front seats.
But that's about how the back is going to look!!! ��

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