LR3 Engine Stall, Vapor Lock


New member
Hello all,

Came across this thread via an Internet search using keywords "2006", "LR3", "stalling", "fuel leak".

We have a 2006 LR3 that may have had a similar issue as described here. On occasion, seemingly at random with no common environmental factors or driving situation, our vehicle would hesitate and then stall. Later we began to smell gas and see a puddle underneath the vehicle. Dealer diagnosed and replaced several components such as ignition capacitor, fuel pump, etc to no avail. Skipping ahead many months, the problem was solved by replacing the fuel tank. The dealer said that this issue appeared to be the same as described in the P001 recall but that our vehicle was outside of the recall parameters.

Looking for other LR3 drivers who have had the same issue with resolution only coming from a new fuel tank. Did this happen to you?



New member
No puddle of gas for me. Where was the leak coming from, front or back?

It took several months of stalling before we ever smelled or saw leaking gas. It has been a while since we had this problem and don't recall where the gas was located on the ground.


I never had the puddle of gas, and it's been awhile since experiencing this. I have the newer updated fuel tank so hopefully I won't experience again!

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Did you replace the entire tank because of the vapor smell/stall issue or for another reason? Just trying to help narrow down fixes for this issue.

I never had the puddle of gas, and it's been awhile since experiencing this. I have the newer updated fuel tank so hopefully I won't experience again!

Every Day is a Good Day Surfing...Some are just Better Than Others

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Tank was replaced because the fuel level senders in the tank went out. The fuel smell issues seem to have occurred on fast ascents at high altitude...around 8-9k feet and warm conditions. But very erratic as to how often. I would have wished I had a IID tool at the time to check for faults

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Thank you. The fuel sending units do seem like a separate issue. I'm not sure if you were throwing faults; mine was not when it starts stinkin' like gasoline but we all seem to share the same symptoms and cause.

I did notice when I crawled under the rig the other day that the tank looked like it was covered in a coating of something, like when you drain oil and it drips all over a pan or something like that. Jeremy can chime in - I wonder if at some point with all the banging down there we dislodged the tank just enough so that at elevation or severe pitch we are losing liquid gas or even vapor from an otherwise sealed system? I'm not a mechanical engineer so I'll let Jeremy and others provide input.

Tank was replaced because the fuel level senders in the tank went out. The fuel smell issues seem to have occurred on fast ascents at high altitude...around 8-9k feet and warm conditions. But very erratic as to how often. I would have wished I had a IID tool at the time to check for faults

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There is a round tank seal on the top of the gas tank. Mine started smelling, and eventually worse, and some drips, after a fill up. It got worse. I took it to the dealer, and they "fixed it' with an upgrade seal with a metal ring. I drove it home, after having to have it flat bedded to the dealer. I stopped at the gas station, topped up, drove home, backed into the garage and fuel was pouring onto the floor. I pulled it out of the garage, called the dealer, who said, have it flat bedded back (at my expense). After a couple more days and nearly 200.00 in additional towing fees, they got the seal properly fitted. I've been OK since then.

The main point here, being, if you've got a potential leak, smell or drips in the rear, your seal may go. This would suck if your car explodes while you're heading down the road, so it's definitely worth a look, and getting the "improved" tank seal.

As far as other "fuel smells" it seems like if you can smell it, something is not working right no matter the circumstances.


Well, looks like I'm part of this club. At least to a limited extent.

I started another thread about a fuel smell but was re-directed to this one. I figured it's better to keep all the discussion in one place.

Similar to the guys here, I have a strong smell of fuel from the vehicle. High elevation and high temps.
Different, I have no stalling or any performance issue. Only the smell.
Although I live in CA, this started appearing in AZ so I'm 100% sure it's not related to our fuel blends.

No pressure in the tank that I've noted. My first thought was fuel getting into the evap system but I would expect a code if that was happening. Now my most likely working theory would be the top tank seal based on the above comments.


It started out kind of gradual for me, and got to the point where i spotted drips near the rear tank after a couple of fill ups. It took two trips to the dealer, both times on a flatbed. After picking it up the first time, I went and filled it up, and gas poured out all over the garage floor when I got home. I pulled it out of the garage and had it flat bedded to the dealer for a 2nd time at my expense. After I picked it up, it has been fine ever since. I sent copies of the invoices from the dealer with the pertinent details / part numbers to one of the guys in SCLR club. Drop me a PM if you want copies. I would also discuss with the dealer the related Technical Service Bulletins related to high elevations as well.


I generally regard the dealer as an option of last resort. I'm not there yet with this issue - I haven't even started on it yet!

Part of this weekend's plan is to change the engine, diff(s), and t-case oils. Also need to make some minor tweaks to my new-style EAS compressor mount as it's started to touch the slider after this trip. I'll also be re-setting my ride height with the GAP tool, and I'm thinking of making a small mod to my transfer case skid to see if I can gain 1/2" of clearance or so. That gives me lots of 'under the truck' time to have a sniff/look around the fuel/vapor lines. If nothing shows up, the next step would be dropping the tank and replacing the seal you mentioned. I don't 'think' there are any TSBs for the '07 trucks, but it would be worth asking I suppose.

PM incoming - thanks!


New member
Brining back up and old post but wanted to see if anyone found a fix....

Was on a mild trail today and my 2005 lr3 with 207k started to stall out at low RPM under 2500 rmp under load. Was at roughly 5,000 feet elevation with a full take of gas. When I was able to pull over to a safe area had the smell of gas from near the fill neck also could see some gas dropping to the ground near that point as well also when I removed the gas cap it seamed to equalize the pressure for a min Let it rest for about 20 min then come tuned on with the stalling happening intermediately the rest of the trail. Did happen 1 to 2 times on the road home at stops. Freway speeds no issues. Was reading that might be evap canister. Anyone else run into this and have a solve for it? Thanks
Do you have a GAP Tool were you can view and log LIVE VALUES? Although I would say that you would throw a CEL you can look at short and long term fuel metering which will help isolate a few more issues with sensors, fuel management, EVAP, etc. EVAP usually by my experience throws a CEL after the truck sits and usually a few start cycles after the EVAP system recognizes the leak; I'm no expert on this but I would say if you are venting from the gas cap (think that's what you mean) then its a vent issue and the EVAP majority parts (pump/canister) are back by the tank and the valve being right behind the engine.

Just giving a few ideas but without more information and actually seeing the numbers I'm just helping you pick up the darts to throw back at the board.

Hope that helps a tad though for areas to start looking; good place with that kind of mileage and if you have or have not performed fuel or EVAP maintenance it can become troublesome to diagnose........speaking from personal experience of

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